V.Mažulis transformed a successful business in Vilnius into a village: “I worked and now I need to rest” | Deal


V.Mažulis is still a manager, shareholder and owner of several companies, during the three decades he spent in the capital, he had to try various activities.

“I started developing the business in 1995 and within three years I became the largest representative of the Baltic Bosh region in Lithuania. Then I started a restaurant business, a real estate agency and after the crisis it had to close. I set up a couple of services, I had a chain of stores “, – 15 minutes he told the man.

The city was transformed into a town

Until now, V.Mažulis owns a real estate appraisal company, but, as he says, he works with large projects that do not require a daily job.

“I lived in the city for 30 years and now in the town. I’m already an old man, ”laughed the man who recently celebrated his 53rd birthday.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Valius Mažulis

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Valius Mažulis

A year ago, V.Mažulis returned to live in his homeland with his family and says he wants to dedicate more time to himself.

“I thought I wanted a more peaceful life. I’ve been in business for 30 years, creating everything I need, and now I think it’s time to rest.

I worked for 30 years. And he worked not from 8 am to 5 pm, but from 7 am to 10 pm, a lot. During those 30 years, I worked for 45 years. I’ve reworked a bit and now I need to rest. After 70 years and I will rest like this, it is better to have less money now, as much as I have enough. I will have to live for what, if anything, I will grow, ”he explained.

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

When asked why he decided to take the path of the entrepreneur in general, or if his parents pressured him, V.Mažulis assured that he was far from it. His father worked as an engineer on the collective farm and his mother was a servant.

“I worked as a manager, but one day I woke up and realized that if I worked as a manager, I would work as a manager for the rest of my life, I would not earn anything else. I wanted to earn money and create something. Such a situation arose, I had more desire than opportunity. I started almost from scratch. Little by little, little by little and we entered. I won, I built several houses in Vilnius, bought farms and finally returned to the village, ”said the interlocutor.

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

Grow cereals organically

Širvintiškis’ return to his homeland began about 7 years ago, when his father gave him 15 hectares of land. After buying around the old parcels, the businessman expanded his holdings to 100 hectares and started farming. Here he grows organic cereals: wheat, oats and buckwheat.

“I left the city and thought I needed to live a healthier life,” when asked why he decided to develop an organic farm.

Furthermore, five years ago, the man decided to grow fibrous hemp, which he had planted on up to five hectares.

“We grow hemp not for seeds, but for flowers, we collect them, dry them and sell them to medicines and cosmetics. But all abroad, in Lithuania no one knew what to do with those rings. We grew successfully for a couple of years, we chose good potency from the greens and banned flower picking, so we had to give up. Now we only grow seeds, “he said.

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

According to V.Mažulis, he sells organically grown products in Germany and Belgium.

“It is not difficult to realize, it is difficult to grow. It is difficult to sell under the combine. All the chemicals are taken to the elevators and sold immediately, and there are hardly any organic buyers, ”he said.

V.Mažulis is fascinated with life in the village and, as he says, the idea of ​​friendly exchange can be perfectly implemented here.

“He gave one grain, he gave eggs, the third he did something, he took out the pig,” he said.

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

The dream is to survive on the farm.

what are your plans for the future? V.Mažulis assured that he does not plan to expand the farm at this time, but is analyzing it and looking for ways to survive.

“My dream is to survive on the farm, be profitable, generate income. But the last three years have been very unfavorable. Everything is floating, we could not harvest, everything is dry. The farm depends on the grace of God,” he explained.

According to the calculations of V.Mažulis, to survive from the farm, one would have to receive about 500 euros of residual income, after taxes, from one hectare.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The profitability of my farm is very low because I grow organically. I buy expensive earthworm biohumus, manure pellets, which are three times more expensive than ordinary fertilizers.

I want a crop like organic chemicals in the field, on an organic farm. I’m still not lucky, I get 3-4 times less, “admitted the interlocutor.

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / Valius Mažulis farm in the Švenčionys district

And what would you recommend to young people who are still thinking about the future? V.Mažulis, he says, will not be fashionable, but you are advised to go abroad and not stay in Lithuania.

“It just came to our knowledge then. They need to see the world, know what the world is breathing, how the processes are going, how they interact in the end and then come back with innovative ideas and do something,” he is convinced.
