V. Matijošaitis, who cast his vote in the elections, on the COVID-19 situation in Kaunas: “All clubs must be ‘crossed'”


According to V. Matijošaitis, after winning the first round of the Seimas elections, the conservatives began to behave with too much arrogance.

“It just came to our notice then. ‘Rejected’ those elections here, which we probably won’t see in Kaunas four years from now. Unless I go to a concert. I don’t expect much work from them,” said the mayor of Kaunas.

Speaking of A.Verygas, he did not spare the latter candidate good words, he assured that the Minister of Health was the minister with whom he had more and more contact.

Valdo Kopūstas / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Valdo Kopūstas / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

“Call him, if you have not answered in three beeps, leave him alone, you know that in 10-15 minutes, in half an hour he will call you back. Talk about city affairs with him as with a friend. However, a resident of Kaunas. I don’t know other ministers very well, “expressed V. Matijošaitis, clearly revealing why he voted.

Political scientists say that in the second round of the elections to the Seimas, the choice of the Kaunas will be really significant (representatives of “peasants” and conservatives will fight each other in seven duels, even six). It will be especially significant for the Lithuanian Christian Democrats of the National Union (TS-LKD). Representatives of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS), including the aforementioned A.Veryga (19%), who lagged far behind the conservative G.Skaistė (33%) in the first round in the electoral district of Panemunė, they seemed weak.

Asked which of the “Kaunas” duels is the most interesting and in which the “peasants” have the best chance of winning, the mayor of Kaunas said that he did not know and could not do anything about it, but said that everyone should fight. not only for a chair in the Seimas, but also for what they will be able to give to the city and Lithuania after that.

“If you are going to earn a salary in the Seimas, go to construction. Whether the” peasant “candidate will surprise him in the second round will depend on how the residents of Kaunas actively vote. If he goes as he did in the first round, the” peasants “have more opportunities, if they don’t vote, the conservatives will win,” guessed V. Matijošaitis.

V. Matijošaitis: “If you are going to receive a salary in the Seimas, go to construction jobs.”

He was asked if the “peasants”, in whose ranks – and not a single member of “Kaunas Unidos” (mayor of Kaunas – the chairman of the board of directors of this public organization) would still win the elections, did not dare to speculate.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I look at the affairs of the city. We have also registered” United Lithuania “,” United Palanga “,” United Plunge “. Our factories are there, employees go to town hall, participate in the life of the city. But we are not politicians. I am a farmer, everyone in my business is also a farmer, and we came to politics because once it was impossible to go through the city. I want my grandchildren to go to a good kindergarten, to school “, assured V. Matijošaitis.

Photo by Alius Koroliovas / Visvaldas Matijošaitis voted in the elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

Photo by Alius Koroliovas / Visvaldas Matijošaitis voted in the elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

Fears about the education system and nursing homes

Last day a record number of COVID-19 cases was identified in Lithuania: 311 new cases of coronavirus. Most of them – 101, approved in Kaunas County. According to data from the Registry Center on October 21, 97.8 infections were recorded per 100,000 cases in the Kaunas city municipality within fourteen days. population indicator. In Kaunas District Municipality: 121.3 infections. There are currently 557 people with COVID-19 in the Kaunas City Municipality. 315 people are considered to have recovered.

When asked if, with the number of diseases growing so fast, he will not take any local restrictions in the city, V. Matijošaitis assured that the most important thing is to control the situation; much is expected of the student break next week.

“It is better to extend the holidays for the students so that we know that they return to school healthy. They will go to the graves, I will go myself. We will all go to the graves. You should be more careful that day, not caressing or kissing. After a week of vacation, another week of children will study remotely. That is what we promised to do.

I am afraid of the educational system, I am afraid of the nursing home … This morning we restricted communication between us in the municipality. We will not let people unnecessarily enter the other floors of the building, we will meet at the bottom. Since the beginning of the quarantine, we have been meeting with municipal staff not in my office, but in the great room. There we can work at a distance of 5 meters and more ”, said the mayor.

Currently, 4 institutions in Kaunas city have switched to distance education in Kaunas: Aleksotas kindergarten, KTU Vaižgantas progymnasium, Tirkiliškės kindergarten-school, Vaišvydava basic school. There is also a group in the “Gandriukas” kindergarten.

Closed nightclubs

V. Matijošaitis strongly advocates shortening the working hours of nightclubs.

“There are no chimneys in the bars, everyone comes to eat there, and the discos, unequivocally, must be” crossed “and not opened. At least from twelve o’clock, but then there will be no discos. It does not depend on us. There will be an order from the Government, and we will.

Government decisions are not overdue, the situation is still under control, and infections are mounting. The epidemiological investigation in Kaunas is carried out quickly, but I heard from Lingienė (epidemiologist Rolanda Lingienė – aut. Past.), Whom I have known for a long time, she is already in troublethat employees make statements and want to resign. And because of the burden, because of the fear and because of the underestimation, because of the money, he doesn’t pay what he promised. There can be no such thing: promises, do not take a salary for yourself, but pay who you promised. This is a problem, “said the mayor of Kaunas.

Twice as many voters as in the first round

On Wednesday, early voting in the second round of the Seimas elections continues in Lithuania. According to data from the Central Electoral Commission, on Monday, the first day of the preliminary vote, in the second round of the Seimas elections, 27 thousand people expressed their will. 630 or 1.20 percent. voters. This is twice as much as in the first round: on October 5, 12,000 voted. 980 or 0.54 percent. voters.

Early voting in the second round of the Seimas elections will last until Thursday.

V. Matijošaitis: “I am a farmer, everyone in my business is also a farmer.”

68 parliamentarians are elected from single-member districts. Three have already been selected in the first round. Another 70 politicians entered parliament on party lists.

Voters can express their wishes at any early voting location, regardless of where they are registered.

Voting begins at 7 am and lasts until 8 pm

The second round of the parliamentary elections will take place on October 25.
