V. Landsbergis: Some Thought They Would Be Established Forever, But They Were Fooled


The crisis has revealed maturity

– You recently contacted business representatives in Klaipeda, what is interesting and relevant to them today?

– We are talking about the employer-employee relationship, which is relevant to everyone, both the person who works and the person who creates that job. It is important in this case that people understand each other and that synergies are not destroyed by tensions, conflicts and other bad things that ignite even in the best teams, where everything seems to be done for the comfort of the employees, the payment systems and incentives, and even occasional stresses. kyla. So we talk about the origin of these tensions. To do this, I used the institute’s interdisciplinary research.

– Tell us about those tests.

– We have assembled a team of 20 scientists, including philosophers, anthropologists, theologians, psychologists, historians and, of course, economists. And we examine the phenomenon of scarcity, what humanity knows about the phenomenon, when something is missing, when people are overwhelmed by some kind of failure, imperfection, imperfection. I assumed that there is something more than a natural flaw behind this phenomenon, that there is something important and regular in everything. And in that study, we find that lack is the third beginning along with form and matter. Lack is involved in everything we find and change, that is why we live in constant change, we can improve and grow. So briefly on the scientific paradigm that it allows us to unlock many things that are very relevant to people today.

– During the crisis, in fact, we all experienced the phenomenon of scarcity that you studied. What has this difficult situation that has put us all in quarantine revealed in practice?

– The quarantine affected everyone, because some companies simply closed, they were not allowed to work, so there was little left of the employer. For this reason, the Free Market Institute declared that in this case the government must take responsibility for these consequences, because all the people who provide services, who are certainly not very wealthy, were forced to stop carrying out activities. And it was not his whim not to work or his fear of infection, it was an order of the authorities. Therefore, the government must take responsibility for closed companies or those whose activities have been drastically reduced due to interrupted logistics decisions. There had to be more clarity and respect for people. And we have seen that our government is wise to operate under such conditions and interfere in business relationships. But when there was indeed a crisis and it was necessary to assume serious responsibility, act decisively and provide security to our citizens, it was then that we experienced the lack of a strong State. By the way, that crisis also highlighted the role of the entrepreneur. We have seen that not only is the company working, the employee is sweating vertiginously, there may be warehouses full of products, but if sales fail to ensure sales, no new buyers are found, that work has no value. So we saw how important courage, responsibility, and the entrepreneur’s ability to pool resources and find solutions are. And when it is now said that Lithuania’s GDP is the one that has fallen the least in the countries of the European Union, for some reason those passive sentences are used in which there is no active person. After all, that GDP is the one that has fallen the least in the European Union, so there are people who have managed to keep business going. After all, not all companies were closed. There were only less than a quarter of the partial layoffs and many avoided layoffs entirely. Here we saw the role of the entrepreneur. This showed a certain maturity of our commercial representatives, the employers.

Optimization has outpaced budget

– Regarding the maturity of the Government in trying to manage the crisis, how much of its attempts was to make an economic effort to help citizens and to what extent was it a political deduction?

– In the first place, this crisis has revealed the lack of preparation and the inability to operate in such unusual conditions, because there were no clear scenarios, either to protect jobs or to produce coffins. Sad, but no one had that sense of security and definitive predictions. It is possible to sympathize with the Government, because it was not easy either.

There were no clear scenarios, if the works should be stored here or if coffins should be produced.

– But the government borrowed and shared easily. How do you rate this?

– Yes, borrowed and shared. At a time when companies had to optimize operations, reduce all unnecessary costs, the budget sector did not experience any inconvenience, although it was certainly a good opportunity to abandon unnecessary costs or functions and optimize those activities, since the budget of the public sector only grew for many years.

– During the crisis, employees in at least four ministries were satisfied with solid bonuses. How do you rate this?

– In this case, we have seen how this phenomenon of absence affects the budget of our family or private business. This lack of value in optimizing operations, constantly looking for better solutions, new business relationships, new technologies. But if there is not as much lack of pressure as we see in the public sector, then there is no need for that optimization. This non-reduction of spending in public institutions was a lost opportunity to optimize and restore a respectful service relationship with citizens, since it would show a certain humility of public institutions towards the people who work and, from an economic point of view, it would increase our competitiveness. At the end of the day, there is constant talk that the public sector is our weak link, which does not allow us to act quickly, efficiently, in this case, the public sector has lost an opportunity to make amends.

– Can they be called, in a sense, economic parasites?

– Here are your words.

– Yes, but it was very painful for all taxpayers when someone suddenly lost his job, had to think about how to support his family, and members of the state were paid bonuses, supplements to high wages.

– I agree that when taxes have to be paid, I can remind taxpayers and look for ways to get them back, but when it was necessary to serve the state so that those people could receive support quickly, without any humiliation, the state did not act as a servant . For many people, it was not just a financial crisis, but all that instability was compounded by disrespect and lack of support as a state.

Defective benefits policy

– But the government constantly declares that here we gave 120 per child, 200 euros for each older. It is true that some consider this to be the most expensive election campaign and it is still financed by the state. What do you think about that?

– A lot of money was distributed and not necessarily to those most affected by the quarantine crisis. The saddest thing is that people are used to the fact that the government can be such an easy source of money. This is not good, especially when a person from a young age is not used to using their talents or acquiring new skills, but to meet the requirements of the beneficiary, it is a certain demoralization of a person. And our research shows that it negatively affects human nature because we are still created as free, thinking, and creative people. And that our response to scarcity, complex as it may be to exceed our capacities in times of crisis, is necessary for us to remain human. If we live alone on rations, we lose our human qualities when we no longer need to improve, look for work, support a family.

– But perhaps, in principle, such people are equally convenient and comfortable for the government, because they are obedient citizens, dependent on the pocket of the state, can they be easily manipulated?

– All politicians want to present themselves as patriots who care about the future of Lithuania. However, given what we have said, they are incompatible things. And our research is designed so that they are aware of this phenomenon of scarcity, which is not very familiar to people, and they learn how to turn it into power. And if people just wait for the government to be eliminated, they live in illusion.

I did not take advantage: during the crisis, the budget sector did not experience any inconvenience, although, according to E. Leontieva, it was a good opportunity to forego unnecessary expenses and show respect for taxpayers. / Photo from Shutterstock

– Do you think that the electoral results will be affected by this prehistory?

– Of course, everything in history has consequences. Hopefully, people’s natural dignity will be awakened. When people brutally lose their freedom, when they are deprived of their freedom, then the dignity of the people increases, what we see now in Belarus, what we ourselves have recently experienced in Lithuania, then the people are willing to sacrifice. even lives not to be oppressed and humiliated. But when you try to repress that dignity in a peaceful way, as through coercion, but through food, it is unfortunately held that human conscience has a tendency to fall asleep. It is a very important test to recognize with whom people associate their future and prospects, either with those who will lose them and feed them the most, or with those who will allow them to act and create for themselves.
