V. Kurtinaitytė, Dermatology Resident: “Sometimes you feel like a minefield explaining the cause of acne” | Lifetime


The doctor is also actively sharing helpful skin care tips on her Instagram account. “I struggled with acne myself, but today I can enjoy glowing skin”, V. Kurtinaityt su shared her experience during the conversation: what helped her overcome acne, what innovations are applied in this field and when can the first ones be expected results.

Tell me, why does acne occur?

– If one of the parents had acne, there are up to 50 percent. the likelihood that the child also has this skin condition. So heredity is a pretty big risk factor, but acne always has more than one cause. In addition to heredity, this can include hormonal imbalances (sexual or stress), poor eating habits, stress, improper facial care, and oral medications. All of these causes can contribute to excessive sebum production, clogged pores, and inflammation.

– Are acne breakouts always the same?

– Acne itself is divided into three forms depending on the condition of the skin: mild, moderate and severe. The rash itself may depend in part on this: mild acne may be limited to comedogens, closed or open papules and nodules, and cysts are even seen during severe acne.

If one of the parents had acne, there is up to 50 percent. the likelihood that the child also has this skin condition.

Does acne only start in adolescence?

– My patients are often surprised to learn that acne is diagnosed in one in five babies and that acne in adults (25-45 years) is detected in 41 percent. woman. It’s definitely not just a teen skin condition.

What tools can help? Juk Cosmetic products There are many remedies, but often the skin becomes even more irritated. Does laser treatment really help with acne?

– I know very well about the unlimited sea of ​​options you are talking about. I myself swam in this sea and I still see a lot of people swimming. If I had a brief piece of advice, I would suggest focusing on time-tested gold standards and not being tempted by the abundance of hype. For mild to moderate acne, the use of topical (lubricated) retinoids, antibiotics, and benzoyl peroxide is based on science and experience.

We also have news in the world of dermatology! One in ten acne develops due to hormonal imbalances, so both men and women will soon be able to control acne with one ointment – classoterone.

Severe forms of acne are treated with oral retinoids, but these have extremely dangerous side effects, as when used during pregnancy the chances of severe fetal harm are exactly 100 percent. Detailed pros and cons are required before prescribing such a drug.

Only acne scars are laser treated! If they do occur, they last a lifetime, and their treatment with laser or other means is long, expensive and requires so-called inactivity time (the period of time after treatment during which the skin looks extremely poor before healing).

You are talking about diet and its effect on the condition of the skin. Does what we eat really affect the skin so strongly? What products can activate acne?

– Back in my studies, the teachers said that we can confidently enjoy buns and cakes, because according to the knowledge at the time, nutrition does not affect the condition of the skin. Today, science claims a completely different and impressive brain-gut-skin connection (brain – intestine – skin – shaft) is one of the most relevant and researched.

If you want to improve the condition of your skin for both acne and any other inflammatory skin disease or even skin rejuvenation and cancer prevention, then follow some basic dietary rules.

Science claims something completely different today, and the amazing topic of the brain-gut-skin connection is one of the most relevant and researched.

Significantly reduce the consumption of high glycemic index products (sweets, sweet drinks, buns, white rice, etc.) and dairy products and switch to low glycemic index products (whole wheat bread, pasta, vegetables, etc.). Enjoy more fermented products (sauerkraut, kefir, unsweetened yogurt) and antioxidant-enriched foods (cinnamon, dark chocolate, green tea).

– What would happen if we ignore those dietary rules?

– An unhealthy and unbalanced diet leads to a slowdown in intestinal activity. This promotes an imbalance of the intestinal microflora, a constant circulation of toxins in the bloodstream, which can lead to inflammation of the skin. The gut and skin really communicate!

If you start to get acne, who should you go to the dermatologist or cosmetologist first? Is cooperation between these specialists possible?

– Cooperation between dermatologists and cosmetologists is simply necessary! Ideally, both areas should “speak the same language.”

The first visit, in my opinion, should be done with a dermatologist, since it initially requires an assessment of the general state of health, the medication used and, if necessary, tests.

Fotolia photo / How to get rid of acne?

Fotolia photo / How to get rid of acne?

– And you really can’t squeeze out acne? What do you think of mechanical facial cleansing for acne?

– Every pressure of acne carries the risk of “pushing” the inflammation down, expanding it and eventually scarring before the poor collagen regenerates. Don’t abuse mechanical facial cleansing (acne pressure) even in a beautician’s office. Acne cleansers, HydraFacial cleansers, microdermabrasion are excellent acne treatments. However, even these procedures have their own frequency, and by bending the stick, you risk depriving the skin of the full opportunity for magic to regenerate and heal.

If we visit a dermatologist, what help should we expect? One may hear comments that some are casually looking at a problem like acne.

– I spend a lot of time with my acne patients because I have to be able to become a real detective and discover many nuances about their health, lifestyle and skin care. From experience, I can say that people often feel frustrated and hopeless: “I’ve tried everything, no one helps.” For me, this is a sign that “there is still a mine somewhere in the treatment field” and I will have to find out where (smiles).

Often it seems that a person does everything in the treatment process as it should be, but suddenly it turns out that you have been living with a toxic person for half a year and the stress level in your life has reached tires, or that every other night you pamper yourself with a luxurious sheet mask. containing at least some oils. For a dermatologist to discover such “mines”, a long and detailed conversation with the patient is needed, an explanation of where the dangers may lie that will make the skin less prone to scarring.

From a psychological point of view, acne can make life very difficult. How to deal with? You can even hear it said that acne is proof of poor hygiene..

– Having crossed the path of acne treatment, which by the way has been winding, I have a strong empathy for those who are still on this path. It can be terrible for a person to socialize, to show their face in the daylight, and science has also shown the highest amount of anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts among people with acne. It’s also scary to fall into a vicious cycle, because there really is feedback: the stronger the stress and anxiety, the greater the inflammation in the skin.

Having crossed the path of acne treatment, which, by the way, has been winding, I feel a strong empathy for those who are still on this path.

If you suffer from acne, know that hope is really there. Taking all measures, it is possible to drastically improve the condition of the skin, which, incidentally, copes more or less by 85%. people, so you are definitely not alone.

By the way, you asked about the myth of poor hygiene. Believe me, the situation is actually the other way around! The more facial washing and exfoliation is excessive, the more the natural microflora of the skin is destroyed, the skin of the face dries, so our lost skin begins to produce even more sebum and the amount of acne only increases.

Personal file photo / Vytenė Kurtinaitytė

Personal file photo / Vytenė Kurtinaitytė

So is it really possible to cure acne? Many lose hope due to the difficult situation.

– It is possible to cure or drastically improve the condition of the skin, even in the case of severe acne, it only requires determination. The first results will appear only two months after the start of treatment, so arm yourself with patience. Also keep in mind that your lifestyle is no less important than constant medical treatment. Changing your diet, starting to learn about self-awareness, reacting to stress, spending more time outdoors, and doing intensive exercise at least three times a week can be difficult, but very necessary.

It is possible to drastically cure or improve the skin condition even in the case of a severe form of acne, it just requires determination.

By the way, you really don’t need sixteen different creams for a few hundred euros. In the case of acne, a light, odorless hydrating moisturizer is sufficient. The rest of the work should be done by the medical team prescribed by the doctor, mentioned at the beginning of the interview, and the changes in your lifestyle.

It wouldn’t hurt to realize that your true charm and attractiveness doesn’t just lie in the skin on your face – it seems to you that people only see acne and, in fact, see your look, your smile, and ultimately your achievements. Don’t give acne all the power of self-confidence.

Many have a misconception about what is a clear and healthy skin because the filters that are used in the social space beautify the skin, so we believe that it should actually be smooth, without pores or wrinkles.

– It’s fun and interesting to play with filters, but I want to believe that we all understand that people’s skin actually looks different. Even healthy, radiant skin can have bumps, occasionally “adorned” with acne or pigmentation.

I am inspired by French philosophy. They see perfection as an imperfection, rather than excessive filters or procedures, promote improved skin health and value each skin imperfection as a human experience, a story. Maybe there is something to learn from the French?
