V.Genytė revealed the recipe of his youth: for breakfast: just water, a piece of chocolate and coffee | Names


Diseases of the digestive system are one of the most common in human life. According to the Center for Public Health, even one in ten patients has problems with the digestive tract. One of the biggest influences on gut health and function is determined by when, how and what we eat.

The singer, host of the show Vaida Genytė, who agrees to reveal her recipe for strong health this Sunday on the TV8 TV show “Sveikatos medis”, also agrees with this. The woman says she has been listening to her body for years and only eats when she is hungry.

“My day starts with water and then coffee with a piece of chocolate. This is my breakfast because in the morning or during the day I’m not hungry and I don’t even try to reshape my body. I start to feel hungry only in the second half of the day. , so dinner at my house is big and full, ”said V.Genytė about the peculiarities of nutrition.

Photo by R.Adzgauskas / Vaida Genytė

Photo by R.Adzgauskas / Vaida Genytė

A woman does not hide the fact that eating heavy food impairs not only well-being, but also the quality of sleep. It is not easy to eat healthy on a regular basis during concerts or filming, but Vaida does everything possible to choose only the right foods for your body.

“If I eat foods that are difficult to digest late at night, this has a great effect on the quality of sleep. My stomach feels like it’s full of sand, so I can’t get a good night’s sleep and I try to avoid this feeling as much as possible, “said V.Genytė.

Photo from personal album / Concert of Vaida Genytė and Zbignev Levickis

Vaida Genytė and Zbignev Levickis Personal Album / Concert Photo Album

A study conducted a few years ago showed that Lithuanians consume very little fiber – only 18g per day, when a healthy human body would need 25-30g. High-fiber foods digest longer, so you don’t get hungry as quickly.

“There was a time when I didn’t think much about what I was eating, but now that concern is really very active and important. Sometimes they ask me how I manage to maintain a beautiful figure, but the well-being of each woman does not depend on what what is on the plate, but how we live. For me it is important to sleep well, have a lot of positive spirit and a good mood “, shared V.Genytė the recipe for vivacity.

The medical program “Health Tree”, combining the long experience of Dr. Irena Pivoriūnienė and the youthful vigor of producer and show creator Vaida Skaisgirė, on Sundays at 3 pm on TV8.
