V.Čmilytė-Nielsen: S. Gentvilas is an excellent minister


“I trust Simon Gentville, he is a great minister,” he told reporters at Seimas on Thursday.

On the other hand, V. Čmilytė-Nielsen stated that he was not surprised by the decision of the opposition “peasants” to initiate an interpellation by this minister.

“I don’t see any reason to do it, but this initiative was not a surprise, because the work of the ‘campesinos’ on this issue was very evident from the beginning,” he said.

On Thursday, the opposition “peasants” announced the composition of their shadow government and, among the first decisions, adopted a proposal for their faction in the Seimas to initiate an interpellation against S. Gentvilas.

According to Ligita Girskienė, Minister of the Environment in the Shadow of the “Peasants”, the public speeches and some actions of S. Gentvilas raise serious doubts about whether he came to defend the interests of the environment or of big business.

According to her, S. Gentvilas’s conflict with the head of the Department of Environmental Protection, Olga Vėbriene, is intolerable.

“Environment Minister S. Gentvilas had invited the head of the department to explain why she had provided the prosecution with information on possible illegal actions by polluters and had asked the prosecution to protect the public interest in the field of environmental protection … O.Vėbrienė has publicly stated that it was clearly stated that there would be no such actions in the future, that it would be necessary to find out and agree inside, ”said L. Girskienė.

In evaluating the shadow cabinet made up of the “peasants,” the president of the Seimas praised it for the fact that there are several women in it, but the names of former prime minister Saulius Skvernelis were missing.

Sigismund Gedvilas / 15min photo / Simonas Gentvilas

Sigismund Gedvilas / 15min photo / Simonas Gentvilas

“Without a doubt, I was surprised that perhaps the most experienced politician did not find a place in this shadow government and, apparently, it shows that the health of that party is not as good as it tries to show,” V. Čmilytė- He said Nielsen.

“Of course taking that step, posting a list and some points, is the easiest step. We will see in the near future how much is just an attempt to pay attention and how much is a derivative of real work,” he said.

The Campesinos announced the composition of the shadow government on Thursday, with Ramūnas Karbauskis, the party’s president, as its leader.
