V.Čmilytė-Nielsen: Alcohol control laws will be revised in April


According to her, the prohibitions are now being reviewed, distinguishing the least effective from those that only imitate the fight against alcoholism.

“(Alcoholism – BNS) is still a pretty serious problem, but it doesn’t need to be tackled as much, not ripping through magazines, not sounding like a country that is taking this fight completely improperly, and it is clear that the advertising ban is can easily circumvent Lowercase soft drink advertising is certainly not an effective or logical way to combat this serious problem, ”the president of Seimas said in an interview with Knowledge Radio on Wednesday.

I think after reviewing that package of bans, we will single out the ones that don’t work, the ones that are against common sense, and we’ll replace them.

“I think that after reviewing that package of bans, we will select those who are not working, those who are against common sense, and we will replace them,” he added.

The Seimas will meet for the spring session on Wednesday: the first session will be held in Parliament, but next week the members of the Seimas will meet remotely by decision of the Board on the epidemiological situation.

The goal will be to change the drug reimbursement procedure.

Seimas will seek to change the drug reimbursement procedure by reverting to previously more flexible reimbursement, says the president of Seimas.

“An amendment to the Pharmacy Law has been registered, which will propose some improvements to the procedure, that is, to give doctors more opportunities to offer patients the treatment that is personalized, more suitable for that particular patient and allow reimbursement. partial of the best only medicine. – V.Čmilytė-Nielsen told news radio on Wednesday.

“Basically, we will reverse the so-called Veryga reform and go back to a more patient-friendly system, which, in my opinion, is one of the most important tasks of this session,” he added.

123RF.com nuotr./Vaistai

123RF.com nuotr./Vaistai

In 2019 the procedure for the prescription of reimbursable medicines came into force, according to which the patient must be sold the cheapest reimbursable medicine in a pharmacy when the patient receives a reimbursable medicine for the first time or after a break.

The procedure has been criticized by some representatives of patient and physician organizations. According to them, some of the cheaper drugs do not provide quality and effective treatment. It is also outrageous that this limits options and seeks to save money at the expense of patients’ health.

The then Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga said this procedure will help patients save money, promote competition among drug manufacturers and lower drug prices.
