V. Andrejev, Head of the Highway Administration: “The state apparently pays to attract uncomfortable people” | Deal


V. Andrejev, the head of the Highway Administration, who has been fired since September, believes that highway construction companies may have illegally attempted to remove him from his post. This impression was especially reinforced by the STT announcement that the leader of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), Valdas Sutkus, suspected of corruption, may have attempted to undermine the reputation of former Minister of Transport and Communications Rokas Masiulis. V. Sutkus allegedly could have been paid for this. V. Andrejev received criticism from V. Sutkus no less than R. Masiulis.

“Until yesterday, I understood why the ministry could not please me: it is because of non-compliance with political orders, because of the contractors’ desire to correct the defect, what they are doing today,” said Andreyev. 15 minutes.

– Is it true that you received an official warning that you would be fired in the fall?

– Yes, on June 1 I received a warning that my job would end on September 1.

– On what basis?

– The Highway Administration is reorganizing into a state company, and some laws and the Labor Code have been amended. These amendments allow managers to work in state-owned companies without competition.

– In general, do you think the reorganization of the Highway Administration is only going to get rid of you?

– Apparently, there are such signs. Especially in relation to yesterday’s knowledge. The decision has already been made: there is no need for a competition to hire a manager in a state-owned company, which means that anyone on the street can become one – in fact, laws in Lithuania are sometimes passed to replace awkward managers.

The amendment went into effect today and, beginning August 1, the people who head the heads of any state or municipal company can be hired without competition.

– Are the findings of the audit of the Ministry of Transport and Communications published today are related to the findings of the STT on Wednesday?

– I don’t know why today, but we will present our calculations of how the funds were used for road maintenance. We have already announced that more than 100 percent of the funds raised have been used. To avoid any speculation. Here is a fundamental difference: not how much is planned, but how much is collected, because the law allows you to use only the amount collected.

In addition, we note that small companies are already entering tenders, since in the past only large ones dominated, which is very important to guarantee competition. We need to make it possible for small businesses to come and not complain about their quality.

– Let’s go back to the events on Wednesday. The STT stated that V. Sutkus could have organized a fight for the removal of the Minister of Transport and Communications, Rokas Masiulis. This last interview 15 minutes He hinted that he may have been under pressure from funds. Did you feel that?

– I will only say what V. Sutkus said yesterday during the first appearance to the media when he left the detention center. He did not collect information on Masiulis, but on the Highway Administration. That is what we have actually seen: collecting information that was misrepresented by drawing everything in black.

VIDEO: V. Sutkus, suspected of corruption, declared that he did not give or accept bribes to anyone, and R. Masiulis was criticized for his mismanagement

If this whole story about financing were confirmed, only customers could comment on it. The dissatisfaction, of course, was because profits have doubled in some places. Also, the interest and penalties for poor work and delays have become quite severe and are now being charged much more than before. This is apparently all that dissatisfaction.

– In general, how can you evaluate the possibility that V. Sutkus or someone else will collect the budget to overthrow the minister or you? Does it not resemble the order in force at the beginning of independence?

– I can tell a personal story. – I have worked in Šiaulių plente, whose manager (Juozas Aleksa, – ed. Past.) Was arrested by STT yesterday. One of the company’s shareholders is Alfonsas Armalas, an honorary citizen of Šiauliai. It did not play the last role in the history of President Rolandas Paksas, because when it became clear and proven, President Paksas’ environment tried to take over an A.Armalas company. Take the strength of the company through the police. He went to testify at Seimas, feared for his own life, and claimed to have fought for a different Lithuania.

When I heard yesterday that the General Director of Šiaulių plentas was detained, I found it uncomfortable, because that shareholder survived himself when the measures against him were used.

I mean, if this story about financing is true, then I don’t know how people who have survived the same can behave just for them.

– Have you had a close communication with V. Sutkus?

– I have only seen him in the Seimas committees, and I have communicated there. There I have also seen the managers of the companies Kauno tiltai and Šiaulių plentas currently detained.

In committee or in meetings with the Minister of Transport, the positions of the managers of these companies were quite aggressive, as they clearly stated that their earnings had doubled. In the case of Šiauliai Highway, the amount of default interest was one of the highest among contractors who have contracts with the Highway Administration.

– Have you heard rumors that road users have promised to recover the $ 20 million raised last year by the Ministry of Transport and Communications? A complaint from the European Commission in return if the Ministry of Transport kicks it out?

– But it was here before, maybe in December. Yes, I heard that such negotiations could have taken place, but I have no evidence or facts.

– Recently, the Minister, at his discretion, after convening a commission, distributes money for asphalt. Does this show that the Minister does not trust you and distributes the funds at will, without the help of the Directorate?

– We have previously systematized written notes about what meets the criteria. We do not evaluate applications. We are not involved in the allocation of COVID-19 funds, so we do not know the logic of those decisions.

– How do you evaluate the fact that a tenth of the COVID-19 fund for gravel roads went to the Trakai district, where the Minister lives?

– Many Seimas members have contacted us, asking for financing for road maintenance and development and informing about the future allocation of funds in advance, because any increase in funds for one municipality automatically reduces funds for another. Can not it be a different way.
