Uspaskich: It is more beneficial for us to remain in the opposition


When asked who the party could work with in a coalition, Uspaskich said that the most important thing for the “workers” was to implement their electoral program.

“Whether they are conservatives or ‘peasants,’ our program is important to us. We do not want to sacrifice the program for positions, so we can stay in the opposition,” he said.

According to V. Uspaskich, it may be even more beneficial for the party to remain in opposition.

“We will not talk about the publications or we will speak last. It is more beneficial for us to remain in the opposition than to assume a ministerial position but not implement a program. We already found out, then they will say that you were in power, but you did nothing, “said the chairman of the Labor Party.

However, according to him, the Labor Party could work with all parties that entered the Seimas in the first round.

“Of those [partijų], who are now in the Seimas, is not one we cannot work with. But for me being active in politics for 20 years is not so much a party, it is important to implement [programą]. It is not interesting to be in power for the government already – as long as possible ”, said V. Uspaskich on the program“ Delfi diena ”.

Previously nominated as a Labor candidate for the post of prime minister, Mr. Uspaskich said he no longer thought about that post: “The voters did not give me a chance to fight for the post of prime minister. I didn’t fight anyway, I offered my experience and the program I created, it seems the voters decided otherwise and so on. “

According to him, the party’s most important goals would be to implement regional policies and investment environment packages.

“It just came to our attention then. The entrepreneurs will go to the regions when conditions are better. <...> It is good to spend on education and health, but everything needs money, and there is no money, so the conditions must be created for that, ”said V. Uspaskich.

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