Uspaskich does not stop: after announcing the water, attacks the vaccine manufacturer


He also expressed mistrust of journalists and accused them of “hiding” such information.

He shared excerpts from the Business News article on his Facebook account.

“Huge fines and deaths are written off as business expenses.

„< > Crimes of pharmaceutical giants

Attorney Michael Loucks well remembers the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, Pfizer Inc.

< > Mr. Loucks headed the Health Crimes Unit. The bottom line was that one of Pfizer’s divisions encouraged physicians to prescribe Neurontin antiepileptic drugs in cases that had not been approved by the MVA. In a settlement that the lawyers reached, Pfizer’s Warner-Lambert division pleaded guilty to two crimes. Pfizer agreed to pay $ 430 million. A fine of USD

< > Large fines on September 2, 2009. In the morning, another division of Pfizer, Pharmacia Upjohn, agreed to plead guilty to the same crime. This time, Pfizer executives instructed more than 100 suppliers to promote Bextra, approved only as a pain reliever for arthritis and period pain, as a remedy for all types of acute pain. Pfizer has paid the largest fine in American history for this crime: $ 1.19 billion. Dollars.

< > The US Department of Justice found that they were fraudulently advertising drugs, putting millions of people at risk for lung infection, heart disease, suicidal ideation or death. In May, Pfizer, Eli Lilly Co., Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and four other pharmaceutical manufacturers paid a total of 7 billion euros. fines in dollars.

< > January 2009 Indianapolis-based Lilly, America’s largest manufacturer of psychotropic drugs, pleaded guilty and paid $ 1.42 billion. Zyprexa, a drug approved to treat schizophrenia as a remedy for senile dementia, for at least four years. In five company-sponsored clinical trials, 31 of 1,184 participants died of dementia, twice the number in the placebo control group.

< > Says Jerry Avorn, a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, “The advertising of illegal drugs from Pfizer and Lilly was clearly harmful and even fatal to patients.

< > In a study by Randall Stafford, a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He estimates that doctors write more than 10 million such prescriptions each year.

< > While the fines for drug companies caught violating unapproved consumer laws appear high, they are slim relative to the companies’ annual revenues. 2.3 billion The $ 21.8 billion in fines paid by Pfizer for promoting Bextra and three other drugs is just 14 percent of the $ 16.8 billion. $ 2,750 million in revenue from the sale of these drugs from 2001 to 2008. All $ 2,750 million. dollars since 2004. Fines paid by Pfizer represent just over 1 percent of the company’s total revenue from 2004 to 2008, amounting to $ 245 billion. Dollars.

< > Lilly has already been convicted of illegal advertising for the drug, but broke the law again in 2009 by offering Zyprexa, a schizophrenia drug, although its use has not been approved. The drug brought Lilly 36 billion. dollars in income for eight years. That’s 25 times what Lilly paid in fines.

< > Everyday crimes “Businesses see fines of many millions as additional business costs,” said Lon Schneider, a professor at the University of Southern California. < > “Such an unwritten business plan,” he says. – They are like those drivers who deliberately accelerate. Stop paying the fine, but do it again as you did.

< > By encouraging the use of unapproved drugs, companies find voluntarily cooperating doctors. < >“, – the article was quoted by V. Uspaskich.

He also advised journalists investigating him and supposedly to hide criminal information that could be fatal to shut his mouth for good.

“Let the people decide for themselves what to do. There should be no coercion for vaccination, as this will be treated as a crime against humanity organized on behalf of the State. At the very least, tell the whole truth why today we have to trust on the products that this company presents, which condemn their huge fines and deaths as business expenses, ”asked the politician.

“Who then has to develop vaccines?”

Former Health Minister Aurelius Veryga, who was asked to comment on Uspaskich’s public doubts about Pfizer, said it would be difficult to find a pharmaceutical company that did not face similar problems.

“It will probably be difficult for us to find a pharmaceutical company that at some point in its operations would not have faced various compensations to the population or states for the damage caused. But what do we mean by that? So who has to develop vaccines? Masons? They will not create, “explained A. Veryga.

Aurelijus Veryga

Aurelijus Veryga

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

According to him, pharmaceutical companies are still developing vaccines and drugs and are really trying, as they know and can, to maintain that trust.

“After all, they are not the only ones who guarantee that their products can be trusted. The research can be coordinated by the companies themselves, but it is also usually carried out by doctors who work with patients. There is also a fairly strict supervision of the trials There are certain mechanisms for drug registration. In our case, it is the European Medicines Agency, which can always ask additional questions if it arises from clinical trials. “

According to A. Veryga, it is not responsible to say that we should not trust any particular company.

“Probably not everyone has experienced side effects from the drug, but often, if they do, they don’t even read the package insert. Of course, when we are already faced, then we look for the culprits and who is responsible for it. So Therefore, it is highly unlikely that you will find a company that has not faced something like that. “

Asked about the mandatory vaccination of the population, he stressed that it is not yet mandatory and some groups in society may not need the vaccine.

“The original version did not provide 100%. Vaccines, and they may not all need them. Note that the vaccine is not tested with all sectors of the population. I doubt that anyone is testing it with children, probably not, because this topic is not very relevant for a group of children.

They may only spread, but the infection itself rarely ends in children with serious consequences. The vaccine is being investigated with those with chronic diseases, and those people are discussed first, as well as workers in certain areas, but there is still no mandatory vaccination for everyone.

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