US media on Lithuanian father Ala: threatens to pray, threatens to harm family


The Archdiocese of Vilnius suspended the priest’s activities after US media reported rape allegations. It was announced that Vilnius priest Aloyzas Volskis had potentially sexually exploited a minor in the United States more than a decade ago.

According to the Archbishop of Vilnius, Gintaras Grušas, A. Volskis denies his guilt.

“This case is about a priest who currently lives and serves in the Archdiocese of Vilnius, is a priest in the Diocese of Telšiai, and a possible crime occurred in Detroit, Michigan, United States,” Grušas said at a news conference on Saturday.

According to him, no police action has been taken against the priest. The last appointment of A. Volskis to the Archdiocese of Vilnius ended on February 14, 2019. Recently, a priest was allowed to serve at the Sanctuary of God’s Mercy in Vilnius without an official appointment.

Investigate US law enforcement.

According to G. Grušas, the first “tip” about a possible crime in the United States was received by the Archdiocese of Vilnius on Thursday, which was announced in the press.

Gintaras Grušas

“This is a trial that began these days in Michigan, Detroit, the defendants are a parish, a Catholic school, the Archdiocese of Detroit and the Archbishop of Detroit, but in the record that charge is for a possible crime of Father Aloyz Volski, when he served there, “before a minor,” the archbishop said.

The accusation is rape, repressed for the use of drugs, and until yesterday we had no knowledge of this possible crime.

He explained that the incident, in which an eight-year-old boy could have been affected, occurred in 2010.

“The charge is drug suppression rape, and until yesterday we had no knowledge of this possible crime. It is alleged that the incident occurred in 2010, the first report that the Archdiocese of Detroit had about a possible crime was in 2018, “said G. Grušas.

According to the Archbishop of Vilnius, the accusation was made by the young man himself. The case was referred to US law enforcement for investigation. According to G. Grušas, the Archdiocese of Vilnius has no information about the investigation or its subsequent course.

American media: stunned ‘blue pills’

The Detroit News, a US portal, reports that a teenager from the state of Michigan sued the Archdiocese of Detroit and a Catholic school for sexual exploitation.

The publication cites a claim that the eight-year-old boy was attending a “spiritual formation” session at a Catholic school with priest A. Volskis (“Father Alu”).

The court material further indicates that the priest noticed that the boy had a cold and offered him two blue pills, supposedly medicines. The minor consumed them and “fell into a state of semi-sleep.” The alleged victim claims that he was unable to move but was aware of his surroundings, and the complaint states that he was “raped” by the priest.

According to the portal, the boy said that the priest “raped and abused him in the teachers’ room.” The boy says he heard priest A. Volski “moan and say prayers or hymns in Latin during the attack.”

The student told her mother that she would no longer want to attend sessions with the priest, locked herself in, stopped preparing for lessons and often refused to go to school, according to the lawsuit.

It is claimed that the young man did not reveal anything to his relatives about the possible incident until late 2017 or early 2018, because A. Volskis allegedly threatened to harm his family if he did so.

The priest denies guilt

The archbishop claims that after meeting with A. Volskis, the latter is now abstaining from active duty.

“Today I met with the priest A. Volskis. He denies that this happened and affirms that never in his life have there been such crimes with minors. He is currently retired from all active priestly ministry until all investigations and trials are completed. This is purely our procedure, “said G. Grušas.

He noted that the archdiocese had no information in either Vilnius or the Telšiai diocese that there had been charges against priest A. Volskis for such crimes. Mr. Gruš reiterated that the priest did not participate in the trial as a defendant: “the family process is against the archdiocese (Detroit – BNS)”.

According to the archbishop, A. Volskis has worked in Lithuanian parishes in Los Angeles, USA, Detroit and Montreal, Canada. In 2014, he returned to Lithuania, served in two parishes in Vilnius and was fired as of February 2019: he had “health problems” and continued to live in Vilnius.
