Urges not to lie during self-isolation: there are exceptions to the rules – in Lithuania


At a press conference on Thursday, Giedrius Surplys, head of the Public Information Group, urged people not to avoid mandatory self-isolation. He also hinted at liberalized self-isolation rules. It is true that he later clarified that they were adjusted again “after the Uzbek case.”

“I urge people not to try to look for gaps, land; lying, they returned. You must be isolated if you have returned from the affected country, all conditions are met. Each municipality is responsible for this, the NVSC provides all the necessary information, ”said G. Surplys at the press conference.

The head of the public information group said the rules for self-isolation were liberalized.

“Self-isolation is currently a bit liberalized from what was quarantined – there are opportunities for a short break – a walk, a breath of fresh air, or shopping.

And finally, if there is an absolutely necessary need, it is named, it can be a funeral, wedding, christening, even a special job for a loved one, you can apply to the National Public Health Center (NVSC) and he can issue permission to leave temporarily the place of isolation. It’s definitely not a prison regime where you just sit and wait for the 14-day period to expire, ”he said.

“That shouldn’t try to prevent it,” he explained.

After the Delfi conference, when journalists contacted G. Surplis and asked him to clarify where the relaxed rules are indicated, the politician assured that he had not provided completely correct information.

“Instead, Ašoklienė clarified that they had returned to the previous level in the case of the Uzbeks. In this place I did not say so much, they have changed as they were, there is no possibility of going out for a walk,” explained G. Surplys.

When asked when the relaxed self-isolation rules were in force, the interviewee replied: “After the end of the quarantine, the rules were changed and the solitary confinement was relaxed, it was possible to walk one hour within a kilometer.”

Giedrius is surprised

Photo: DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

There is a surprising point in the self-isolation rules.

The order of the Minister of Health regulating the self-isolation rules was adopted on March 12 this year, that is, before the introduction of universal quarantine in Lithuania.

The latest version of this order entered into force on the first day of August. In fact, it establishes that people who need to be in self-isolation for 14 days can apply to the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) for permission to leave the place of self-isolation.

The order, as mentioned by Mr Surplys, no longer contains any provision on the possibility of taking a walk or going to the store in the current version. However, it turns out that even in self-isolation, you can request to go to the funeral or body of a loved one.

The NVSC may, after evaluating the request of the isolated person, decide to grant permission to leave the place of isolation in the following cases:

organize the funeral of a close person, transport the remains and / or participate in the armor / funeral ceremony of a close person (only for persons in contact);

go to a mobile point or a personal health institution to take a smear from the nasopharynx and pharynx for laboratory tests of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection), ”we wrote in the order.

Under the order, the NVSC can also give permission to leave the place of self-isolation when a person has to change the place of isolation for any reason.

Migrants can ask to leave even in isolation

According to the current order of the Ministry of Health, foreigners or Lithuanians living abroad for work, business or studies can also apply for temporary isolation.

“Foreigners and citizens of the Republic of Lithuania residing abroad, who have arrived in the Republic of Lithuania for work, business or study reasons, who owe 14 days of isolation, permission to go to work, study or elsewhere to manage business or receive health care services (only those with contact persons who have returned from abroad and foreigners referred to in subparagraph 3.31 of Resolution No. 152 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, of February 26, 2020, on the declaration of state emergency), if not before 7 days after arrival / return to the Republic of Lithuania, a test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) was carried out and a negative response was received ”, says the document.

In addition, public health professionals can allow isolated health foreigners and compatriots living in emigration to leave the country without even waiting two weeks.

“For foreigners and citizens of the Republic of Lithuania living or working abroad to leave the Republic of Lithuania before the end of the 14-day isolation period”, the NVSC may issue a permit to leave the place of isolation specified in the order.

You can issue permission to attend weddings, baptisms or anniversaries.

It turns out that, depending on specific circumstances, epidemiologists may even allow people in self-isolation to attend personal celebrations, which are currently often cited as important sites for the spread of the coronavirus.

“Organize and participate in one’s own wedding, baptism or anniversary of one or a loved one (only for people in contact who have returned from abroad);

crew members and crew members working in Lithuanian companies engaged in international commercial transport or carrying out international commercial transport in all types of vehicles, when it is necessary for them to go to state institutions or establishments to present and (or) receive documents related to work or other work-related issues;

highly qualified specialists who have been evaluated for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) and received a negative response, ”the document says.

Delfi recalls that following the arrival of 22 candidates for the employees of the logistics company UAB Hegelmann Transporte in Kaunas from Uzbekistan on July 2, three of them were diagnosed with a coronavirus infection when the temperature rose.

As it turned out, 18 (COVID-19) people from Uzbekistan were infected with coronavirus.

The infected visited the commercial town “Urmas” before the diagnosis of the disease.

During Wednesday, 24 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania.
