Urgent warning before the holidays: some mistakes in the table can end sadly


Ieva Paliokaitė, an emergency doctor at the Kaunas Clinics of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, tells the tv3.lt news portal about a possible food jam or even choking on food and what to do if an accident has occurred .

According to the doctor, all foods can be dangerous and cause suffocation. Risk increases when we act carelessly at the table. However, most of the products that I. Paliokaitė noticed that people drown most often are found on almost every festive table:

“Adults generally choke on meat products, nuts, dried fruits. Children are more likely to choke on harder grapes and vegetables with sweets that are hard, suckled, and tougher.”

There are several types of suffocation.

The emergency doctor advises that before taking any action in the event that a person chokes, we must know if the person can still breathe or not:

“There are two types of suffocation: partial and complete. In order not to harm a person, it is necessary to understand whether there is partial or total suffocation here. If we have partial asphyxia, a person coughs, can still breathe, can say something in short words, like “I am drowning,” says the doctor.

According to her, one of the biggest mistakes people make is to start hitting a man who coughs on the back.

I. Paliokaitė states that coughing is an effective mechanism of the body, because during it high pressures are created in the chest, and by giving a person who coughs, we can weaken this pressure or, worse, push the foreign body further deep into the airways.

However, it is not necessary to push the blades between the blades, as this is useful when there is complete suffocation:

“If we choke completely, it means that a person can no longer cough, cannot speak, cannot breathe, as I tell my students, three ‘k’. Language, coughing and breathing disappear and a person can only show an international choking sign, with both hands folded behind the neck. Then you need to understand that the person is choking, “the doctor draws attention to the signs of complete choking.

Heimlicho Maneuver

Resuscitation may also be necessary

Ieva Paliokaitė ensures that when we notice that a close person is drowning and can no longer breathe, we must immediately render first aid. How to do it correctly, the doctor shares with the readers of the portal:

“There are two maneuvers that we apply alternately. The first is that, when we come from the side, we lean the person forward a little so that if that foreign body gets stuck, it falls into the field. With one hand, if we are right-handed then to the right, we make five blows with force between the shoulders at the base of our palm, with the other hand we hold the man in front so that he simply does not fall on our blow.

If the foreign body does not come out this way, we proceed to the second maneuver, also called the Heimlich maneuver. That is, when we stand behind a drowned man, we hug him with both hands.

With one hand we clench the fist and place it between the navel and the abdominal cavity, and with the other we wrap the fist in the palm of our hand and do five thrusts to the abdomen with both hands, pointing our fist up as if we wanted a spoon. to put pressure on the chest, and that the foreign body is extracted from the respiratory tract “.

The doctor says that these maneuvers should be used alternately: five for one, five for the other until the foreign body is removed.

However, if these maneuvers do not help, the person may lose consciousness and then resuscitation should be started:

“Take 30 clicks and two inhalations according to the adult resuscitation algorithms. If we don’t know the person, of course, the entries should be treated with caution, but if he is a member of our family and we know all their conditions, we can really make the entries if we can and can. “

Pagrimistakes can be harmful too

When asked about the most common mistakes in helping a drowning person, the doctor recalls a blow between the shoulders of a person who can still breathe. However, the doctor also refutes the old myth that suffocated children should be shaken:

“People still remember from ancient times that it is necessary to shake a child by making his feet lower his head. This is the most important thing to do because it hurts a child and can lead to serious head and neck injuries that can have lifelong consequences. There is no way you can do that. “

At the same time, I. Paliokaitė shares tips on how to help a child who chokes:

“If a baby can cough, cry, then we don’t intervene, we let you cough, if we no longer cry, there is no sound, we don’t cough, in which case there are two ways to use shifts.

The first: we lay the child on our forearms, face to the ground and hold the head with our palms so as not to balance ourselves, so that we hold it five times between the shoulders, of course, not as strong as we would give an adult. The maneuver consists of exerting more pressure on the airways so that this foreign body falls.

If that foreign body does not fall, we put the child on his back, we lie on our forearms, we hold the head with the palms and we press the chest with two fingers of the other hand, placing our two fingers on the sternum ”.

The doctor assures that after putting the child on his back, it is necessary to look for an object in his mouth that caused the child to choke. When you see a foreign body in your mouth, you should remove it with your fingers.

Stuck food can also cause discomfort

Ieva Paliokaitė warns that poorly chewed food or the ingestion of fish or chicken bones can harm us without causing us to gnaw:

“Sometimes we get stuck food and we cannot swallow saliva, often there is a piece of skewer and then we feel discomfort.”

If food is trapped in the esophagus, medical intervention may also be necessary to remove the trapped bones with special equipment.

“The best option is when we can see it and remove it easily, but often the esophagus becomes more deeply plugged and an endoscopy is needed – look deeper with the camera and remove the bones that are trapped in the esophageal mucosa.

Both fish and chicken bones are dangerous enough not only in case of suffocation, but also in case of entrapment in the esophagus. People turn around, they say, it irritates me, something is.

Sometimes those fish bones have already traveled a lot, but the person feels discomfort, they are irritated, the esophageal mucosa is injured, there is a wound “, – I. Paliokaitė shares his experience.

An injured esophagus, according to the doctor, can hurt even for a few weeks, depending on how much the dislocated bones are injured and if the patient suffers from increased acidity.

The main thing is not to rush

The doctor assures that the greatest threat of choking on food is when we are in a hurry or want to talk and eat at the same time. Therefore, according to the emergency doctor, before speaking with the interlocutors, we must swallow the food without rushing before:

“First of all, it is important to chew food so that we have the least amount of that food that we can swallow and that can reach the airways if we do something carelessly. Often suffocates due to failure to follow normal eating routine.

People eat while talking, they laugh, which increases the possibility of suddenly inhaling pieces of food without chewing. If we eat, we must swallow the food before speaking with the interlocutors and not put ourselves at risk of suffocating or rushing to eat ”.
