Updated Vaccination Plan: Mass Vaccination Promised in Spring


The updated public vaccination plan of the Ministry of Health (SAM) against COVID-19 foresees that mass vaccination will start from this spring, a few months before the announcement. It has also been decided to vaccinate all adults with AstraZeneca.

SAM announced on Monday that it had updated the public vaccination plan, which was first announced nearly a month ago, in response to vaccine delivery plans submitted by pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca, BioNTech / Pfizer and Moderna.

“If manufacturers ensure a stable supply of vaccines, the updated vaccination plan will begin vaccinating all people over 65 years of age in the first quarter of this year, with mass vaccination beginning this spring,” the report said.

According to the plan, in addition to the groups already vaccinated, it is expected to continue vaccinating kindergarten staff, elementary school teachers, special education specialists, cancer patients with HIV, people aged 75 and over in February. The second dose is intended for pharmacists, health professionals who do not come into contact with COVID-19 patients and soldiers, intelligence officers involved in military or international operations. Vaccination is scheduled to begin in March for all people 65 and older, as well as those with chronic illnesses. The mass vaccination of the population, according to the plan, will begin in April.

The plan, published in January and based solely on the BioNTech / Pfizer and Moderna vaccine delivery schedules, called for mass vaccination to begin in July.

President Gitanas Nausėda has set an ambitious goal of vaccinating 70% of the population before midnight and granting herd immunity to society. Government officials say that goal is achievable, but it all depends on the speed of administration of the vaccine.

According to the European Commission, herd immunity against coronavirus could be achieved in the European Union in late summer.

A report issued by SAM on Monday emphasizes that the “plan will be updated that day as new data on deliveries of vaccines to Lithuania become available.”

Photo: 1nocrop

SAM also reported that AstraZeneca will be vaccinated against COVID-19 in all adults.

“Following the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the National Medicines Control Agency and the Independent Expert Advisory Council, the decision has been made to vaccinate AstraZeneca in people over 18 years of age. It was also decided to vaccinate the entire population. population from 18 years with a vaccine from this manufacturer, with 12 weeks between the first and second vaccination, break, ”the ministry said in a statement.

Discussions about vaccinating the elderly with AstraZeneca arose when the European Medicines Agency authorized the vaccine in late January, noting that there were not yet enough studies on whether the vaccine provides effective protection for people over 55 years of age.

The World Health Organization announced last week that the AstraZeneca vaccine and Oxford University could be used in people over 65, as well as in places where coronavirus strains are spread. This position is also supported by the Council of Experts convened by the Government of Lithuania and the National Drug Control Service.

Lithuania has already received two shipments of this vaccine, mainly for the vaccination of teachers.

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