Updated list of affected countries: a significant change will affect carriers


A significant change will affect carriers: from now on, they will be subject to mandatory isolation, unless they only deliver or collect cargo or transit through our country. These changes will take effect on Monday, February 22.

Lighter isolation conditions will apply to those arriving from the United States and Gibraltar, and stricter ones from Albania, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Seychelles and Slovakia from Monday.

The isolation conditions have also been updated. Until now, the crew and crew members working in international commercial transport companies or engaged in international commercial transport on all types of vehicles have not required either testing or isolation.

Starting next week, isolation will be mandatory for them from the day of arrival in Lithuania until the day of departure from their territory, but no more than 10 days from the day of return or arrival in Lithuania. The exception applies in cases where carriers deliver cargo or come to collect it without staying in Lithuania or in transit through our country.

It is also important to mention that carriers do not need to have a COVID-19 test performed or take it upon arrival. It should be noted that family members of carriers are not subject to the isolation requirement, that is, they do not need to be isolated for the specified period.

The isolation period for carriers can be shortened no earlier than 7 days after isolation by a PCR test for COVID-19 with negative results if the person does not show symptoms of an acute upper respiratory infection, that is, the onset sudden at least one of the symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath. This study is carried out on the individual’s behalf.

According to the decision of the director of operations, the directors of companies engaged in international commercial transport in Lithuania are obliged to check whether the crew and crew members returning or arriving from international voyages have filled in the electronic form of the National Health Center Public dependent on the Ministry. of Health (NVSC). to verify the correct completion of the electronic questionnaire and to control the isolation.

Employers are also obliged to ensure that employees are properly informed about the registration, isolation and isolation control requirements for crews and crew members established in Lithuania. Furthermore, companies engaged in international commercial transport in Lithuania are advised to organize employee testing for coronavirus infection at the employer’s expense.

As of next week, isolation changes and exceptions are planned. Border workers, as well as people who cross the border between Lithuania and another European Union every day or every working day (business travelers, students, students and trainees) must have a COVID-19 survey conducted no earlier than 7 days before returning or arrived in Lithuania and received a negative answer to the test. It should be noted that in this case, the response of serological antibody tests is not recognized.

If these people do not have a negative response to the test, they must respond within 24 hours. From the moment of your arrival in Lithuania, ask for the number 1808 of the Coronavirus Hotline or the institution conducting the tests for coronavirus infection, register for the test. The current requirement to have 48 hours. the test is no longer available, the test is performed at the indicated time.

Also, starting on Monday, artists, that is, creators, performers, cultural operators, etc., involved in professional artistic activities can leave the place of isolation during work and go to the place necessary for work or business. When leaving the isolation area, they should wear a protective device (mask, respirator, or other device) that covers the nose and mouth that fits close to the face and completely covers the nose and mouth. Artists from countries subject to enhanced communicable disease control measures must inform the NVSC before leaving the isolation site.

The list of affected countries is published every Friday, takes effect on Monday, and is valid for one week.

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