Up to a quarter of new COVID-19 cases are enigmatic: fires are spreading in schools


The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 32 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 14 of them were registered in Kaunas, 10 in Vilnius, 4 in Klaipėda, 2 in Marijampolė and 1 in Šiauliai and Tauragė counties.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 19 people became infected. The specialists could not determine the circumstances of the infection in 8 people. In addition, 5 cases of importation were registered during the previous day.

Import cases: from two countries

Four of the import cases recorded yesterday (2 in Vilnius and 1 in each of Klaipėda and Kaunas counties) were established for people who arrived in Lithuania or returned from Ukraine.

At that time, in Kaunas County, the coronavirus was confirmed for a person who returned to Lithuania from Ethiopia.

11 cases are associated with chimneys

7 new cases of coronavirus detected yesterday are related to the focus on the logistics company in Kaunas. All people were isolated, so no contacts were identified. There are currently 33 cases of coronavirus associated with the outbreak.

The coronavirus case confirmed yesterday is associated with a personal holiday in the Trakai district. A total of 10 cases are currently estimated to be associated with the outbreak.

Another case registered yesterday is related to a logistics company operating in Vilnius county. Coronavirus was confirmed for an employee of the company. Currently a total of 4 related diseases are registered.

At that time, 1 case recorded yesterday in Kaunas County is related to a family celebration held in Raseiniai district. COVID-19 was established for a person who is a student at the President Jonas Zemaitis Gymnasium. According to currently available data, the person was in the educational institution on September 2. Isolate 24 high-risk classmates at school.

NVSC recalls that parents of students who are currently in isolation are the so-called contact contact and should not be subject to isolation. Isolation is used when there is a high-risk exposure for a person with COVID-19 that has been confirmed by a laboratory test.

Another 1 new case of coronavirus is associated with the outbreak in Klaipedos Energija. A person is not an employee. Currently 3 cases of COVID-19 are estimated to be associated with the outbreak.

In addition, it is estimated that 8 people were infected yesterday after contact with people who were confirmed to have coronavirus, but these cases are not considered sources of contagion according to the data currently available.

It should be noted that 2 of these people are students at the John Paul II Gymnasium in Kaunas. According to currently available data, the people were at the educational institution on September 4. Isolating 54 high-risk classmates at school. The isolation of teachers is yet to be decided.

Also, one of these people is a student at Martynas Mažvydas Progymnasium. As reported yesterday, 24 high-risk people have been isolated.

The circumstances of the infection in 8 people are not yet clear.

At present, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 8 people were infected (3 in Vilnius, 2 in Klaipėda and 1 in Marijampolė, Šiauliai and Kaunas counties). Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

NVSC reports that a total of 3131 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in specific people in Lithuania, 1038 people are still sick, in 1994, they have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

According to Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), more than 200 students, their parents and teachers have been isolated in four school days, while about 10 students and teachers have coronavirus.

The coronavirus was confirmed by the staff of the Raseiniai kindergarten

On Monday morning, educators from the Raseiniai “Saulutė” kindergarten were informed about the detected coronavirus infection.

It is reported that the kindergarten did not stop its activities, the premises were disinfected and the people who came into contact with the infected person were registered.

High-risk municipalities announced

The Department of Health (SAM) informs that this week, from September 7, until September 13. In addition, residents of the districts of Molėtai, Kaunas, Trakai, Švenčionys, Šilalė, Jurbarkas, Tauragė and Pasvalys, as well as the municipality of Elektrėnai, the cities of Vilnius and Kaunas will undergo more intensive tests for coronavirus infection.

These 11 municipalities have a higher incidence than other Lithuanian municipalities.

Medical facilities conducting teacher tests will not require a special license

SAM advises that personal health care institutions that test employees of educational institutions using rapid serological tests to show whether a person has a history of coronavirus infection will not need a license to perform serological tests for infections.

The decision was made by the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, head of emergency operations at the state level.

It will be sufficient for coronavirus testing facilities to have a personal healthcare license to allow them to provide laboratory diagnostic services or primary personal healthcare.

Next week distance education for educational institutions will be organized

R. Lingienė noted that educational institutions still lack information on how to work safely, so he reported on the organized trainings: “There is a clear lack of information and next week, September 14-15, NVSC will organize the distance learning for school communities, “NVSC reported. Head of the Vilnius Department.
