Unusual rescue operation: trapped in an elevator with a leash in his hands, a dog – outside the door


“As the firefighters told me, when the girl started to get off the elevator, a puppy leash stuck between the doors stopped her. Fortunately, the dog somehow broke the leash and survived. When the firefighters arrived, they found him running towards the elevator, ”said the sixth team boss, Giedrius Ruočkus.

Using hand tools, firefighters opened the elevator door and released the girl.

According to G.Ruočkus, firefighters often have to rescue people trapped in elevators: “The most common cause of these events is technical failures of elevators. These situations are not as simple as they seem because the person is locked in a very small and dark space.

Often, especially for the elderly, health is affected in such situations, so firefighters try to talk to people trapped in the elevator and communicate with them.

If a person panics or complains of health problems, the firefighters do not wait for the elevator service personnel and open the door with the means at their fingertips ”.
