Until death do us part. G.Girdvainis’ wife, Kristina, sensitive to the time it all ended Names


We lost another legend. It is so surprising that just saying Girdvainis’s last name immediately recalls the character of his performance, that he will not confuse anyone else, no matter where Gediminas has shown him, whether in a theater, cinema or television.

More than 50 years on stage, several dozen roles. Someone will remember G.Girdvainis as Pinčiukas from “The Devil’s Bride”. Something like a Jogaila railway from the “Familiares” series. For others, it will remain more vivid in memories of the performances seen.

However, actress Kristina Andrejauskaitė will remember him as a loving man. This is the longest role in Gediminas’ life. Therefore, it is not surprising that even K. Andrejauskaitė, who has spent 50 years with G. Girdvainis, still cannot believe that her husband is gone. That his life ended on Wednesday in a beloved house that his wife had escaped just a week ago. It seems that he was only talking: Gediminas was happy with the work done, the farm was arranged …

Lukas Balandus / 15min photo / Gediminas Girdvainis with his wife Kristina Andrejauskaite

Lukas Balandus / 15min photo / Gediminas Girdvainis with his wife Kristina Andrejauskaite

– Yes, people are seriously ill, so the impending disaster can sometimes be felt … But was the loss of her husband extremely sudden?15 minutes Kristina asked.

– Very unexpected … There have been no major health complaints lately. Well, the next time that heart was restless, but enough drops, like some validol, were enough, but to be so arrested that it was necessary to go to the hospital, it was not.

– However, it was necessary seven years ago: in 2013, the work was canceled due to Gediminas’ heart attack.

– It is true, they have had heart problems. There was such a strong moment, then he was taken to the hospital, but then he strengthened his heart and left. He did not take any special heart medication. Apparently he had high blood pressure, he was taking antihypertensive medications.

– Last week Gediminas spent time on the farm, where was he found?

– yeah He mowed the lawn, tidied up the entire farm. On Sunday, we called him many times, then we agreed to call him on Monday, but there was no longer a call on Monday and Tuesday.

At first he was a little quiet because he had a whimsical phone where he pressed something and turned it off, it was a problem all the time and he kept saying “you handle the phone, somehow you need to fix it.” So this time I thought the phone was here, but then a terrible touch came up and I said to the son-in-law, “Let’s see what’s going on here.” We drove, the door was closed, the car parked, the door closed. And I don’t have the keys, this son-in-law jumped the fence and, I look, the door opens, I thought, Gediminas opened it. And it turned out they were unlocked, maybe he wasn’t going to sleep right before he died.

And we find him no longer alive, stunned. Trakai police showed up, ambulance. The doctor said he died the day before, Tuesday. And we found it on Wednesday. It happened as it happened …

– Despite that phone, did you use to call frequently? What was your last conversation?

– Much. A few times a day Always in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon. Telling us what he did, we were in contact the whole time.

The last conversation was also very familiar. Also, on Sunday they told him that he had cut the grass. We were talking about what he did. Having a feeling during the conversation, saying something, thinking that someone called, there was nothing like it at the time.

– He has spent time on the farm lately without you. Did you like being alone?

– Much. That was one of those cases. And it was still cold, I said, “maybe you can come back sometimes because it’s cold on that farm you need there.” But he replied, “Oh, maybe it will be hot soon, I want to stay again.” And very often there was one. I came, but I don’t like cold weather, so I went when it was hot: all the doors were open, the sun was shining, nature.

– Didn’t you plan to visit him in the near future?

– I was thinking. I said that maybe he needed it, but he said to me: “Don’t drive, it’s cold, it’s unpleasant, you need to build a fireplace, who will do it well, and when it gets hot, it will come.” Also, he still had filming. You plan, so you plan …

Photo of Vigantas Ovadnevas / Žmonės.lt / Gediminas Girdvainis with his wife, actress Kristina Andrejauskaite

Photo of Vigantas Ovadnevas / Žmonės.lt / Gediminas Girdvainis with his wife, actress Kristina Andrejauskaite

– You spent 50 years with Gediminas, you celebrated this occasion in November in the circle of family members. Over the years, you’ve probably seen the different sides of it. So what was he like in the family?

– He was a good man anyway, I can’t complain too much about anything here, there was just a different mood at work, a little nervous. But I do the same, so I understood it very well when I get tired after the rehearsal or the presentation. This was not the case in his youth, now in his old age there had been more anxiety, perhaps sometimes a greater sense of responsibility, even though he had been very responsible all along. The daughter was a very good father. And the granddaughter is now the biggest stress because she was a wonderful grandfather (grain)

We understood each other a lot

– Both are actors, but neither his daughter Jurga nor his grandson Karolis chose this path. Haven’t you tried to make an impact?

– We strongly ask that my daughter not go there. It had a slight tendency, but nobody needs to want that way, because you are always waiting here, there will be a job or not. The undulating profession is the greatest ascent, it is the descent, it is the ascent again. I would say it’s a matter of happiness, what kind of director do you know, what kind of language do you have with him.

Gediminas was very happy to go to Rim Tumin. Tumin was really his director, he loved him very much and Tumin loved Gediminas so much that he found a common language. When Tumin left the Little Theater, it was very painful for Gediminas, but you will not do anything …

– Two actors under one roof. It happens in every way. Has your case been worth it?

– Perhaps others look different, but, in my opinion, better when both actors, because we understood each other a lot. There was a lot of talk, he talked about my performances, I talked about him, and the criticism came, encouragement, praise for each other.

And when a man enters through the door, you see his eyes, you realize that he is tired, that he is not very willing to speak, that is, he does not roll his eyes. Then rest, everything is fine. And he understood me very well. After the presentation or long rehearsals, people would come to collect so they would not have to travel by trolleybus or taxi.

Such a common understanding is a very big thing. Imagine, she wouldn’t be an actress, and he comes back after rehearsals, after twelve … After all, when he’s with an actor, when he constantly comes home with text messages, or the next time he asks something, and he does not listen to him because he is preparing for the role.

– Gediminas’ performance is often described as temperamental, improvisational. He was an interpreter of vivid comic and tragicomic roles. Has this been reflected in life in any way?

– They say that life is also a scene, but it is a little different. Gediminas was different in theater and life. However, he also had a very good sense of humor in life, coming out of all kinds of situations with humor. The actor was very versatile, but still a little different in life: life, homework, daughter, family.

He came out of all kinds of situations with humor.

– You have already mentioned that, as an actor, you are under constant tension, we are waiting, so Gediminas himself has had no idea to say goodbye to the theater lately?

– No, he was very dedicated. Of course, there is still a time to come, and there is a time to go, but I assured Gediminas that he was not in such a mood, because he still had performances in the theater, there seemed to be five, so don’t be nervous, there is still work to do.

True, recently we were still talking about everyone crown, it is not clear how things will be here now. When the rumors started that retirees were infecting everyone, it was kind of funny already. Although he survived because of that.

Photo by Greta Skaraitienė / Žmonės.lt / Kristina Andrejauskaitė

Photo by Greta Skaraitienė / Žmonės.lt / Kristina Andrejauskaitė

– So the quarantine period was probably painful, did you miss the theater, the activities?

– Of course. When we were honestly quarantined for two months after we closed, he went unless he went to the store, bought food, went to the pharmacy, but we didn’t go anywhere else. Although there is a forest near us, we didn’t even go because there are people there. If there had been good weather, he would have gone to the farm even earlier. Because at home it’s just rubbing: refrigerator, TV, book and everything.

– However, besides the farm, would you like to spend your free time?

– His hobby since childhood has been sports. It was something sacred to him. If there are basketball competitions, it is better to walk in silence without getting wet (laughs) He could not imagine life without sports, because he played many sports from childhood: he played soccer and participated in competitions.

– Gediminas was honored in his speech both by fans of his work and by the country’s politicians. And did you feel valued enough while you were alive? Were those evaluations important to him?

– You know, he didn’t feel any special euphoria, but I can’t deny it, like all the actors, he wanted to be appreciated. He was awarded President Dalia Grybauskaitė and Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas, and he highly appreciated these people and was pleased with their awards. If I had to say no, it would be a big lie, because everyone is so happy when you are noticed, singled out, and respected. Even more because he was really loved by people, he filmed a lot in Russia; when he went there, he was simply recognized and received on the street. He had a very wide circle of his admirers.

– President Gitanas Nausėda declared that Gediminas’ role in the “Little Confession” was like a protest against what is old and false. And what did Gediminas himself protest against?

– Our entire generation has brought a slightly different approach to work, to their profession. I’m not saying that all young people, God forbid, are wonderful, talented and dedicated people, but when Gediminas met such superficial people, he put a lot of pressure on him, painfully accepted everything.

– Some actors are reluctant to highlight their roles, others, on the contrary, have at least one or more favorites. Has Gediminas mentioned what his role was and why it was more important to him?

– Only always more preferred. Yes, a lot of work has been done with everyone, souls have been added, but his favorite role was in Rim Tumin’s presentation “Smile, Lord”, because it was very profound. There is something to play, there is something to survive, there has been Jewish culture, and that pain, faith and hope. They all worked very well there. That performance is at least the first of ten for me.

– Has Gediminas been in contact with colleagues lately? Or maybe it was closed in that sense too?

– Gediminas is more alone, closed, does not let others breathe. He was like that. However, it was very good for him alone on the farm. And anyway, a child of nature, it was very good for him there, he recovered a lot, he rested even while working, making plans.

– So, it is symbolic that where it was so good and it went …

– Symbolic … I arranged everything, cut it, cut it. He arranged the whole farm, left and left …

– And what type of Gediminas will you remember?

– For now, I will remember this image as I found it. It will probably stay for a long time. That image completely took me out of the crab and overshadowed all other memories. Until some time passes … Of course, memories of youth, everything is, but now the most terrible thing is this. I really don’t understand and understand yet. Something incomprehensible to me here.

ALSO READ: Gediminas Girdvainis: “I am a man of the last century”

15 minutes remember that Gediminas Girdvainis died at his home in the Trakai district on June 2 and was found on June 3.. The actor was 76 years old.

G. Girdvainis’ farewell will take place on June 6, Saturday and Saint Mass and funeral of the actor: Sunday, June 7.

Gediminas Girdvainis was born in 1944. 1969 The actor graduated from the Lithuanian Conservatory. Since 1994 the actor worked in the Little Theater in Vilnius, created brilliant roles in the performances of Rimas Tuminas. He has also performed in Šiauliai and in youth theaters. G.Girdvainis’ roles were generally highlighted with temperament, improvisation, comedy, and tragedy.

In 2014, Gediminas was congratulated on his 70th birthday on the stage of the theater, after the performance “Madagascar” in which he performed. here The actor received gifts from the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Culture and the badge of honor “Bring your light and believe”. The actor said words of thanks to his wife, actress Kristina Andrejauskaite, and knelt on his knees and bowed sincerely to the public.

G. Girdvainis was calm and closed in life, but witty and temperamental in his roles. Favored by both the theater and film audiences for his laconic humor, often referred to as a lyrical comedian.

In 2013, when the actor was 70 years old, he He had a heart attack, which led to the cancellation of the performance.

ALSO READ: After the performance “Masquerade” – congratulations to actor Gediminas Girdvainis on the occasion of the 70th anniversary
