Unprecedented number of cases in Lithuania, up to 13 deaths in Kaunas county: how it happened


731 of them were registered in Vilnius, 713 Kaunas, 419 Šiauliai, 353 Klaipėda, 242 Alytus 184 Panevėžys, 126 counties of Utena. A further 118 cases of infection were confirmed in Telšiai, 112 in Tauragė and 106 in Marijampolė counties. 24 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which to assign these cases will be determined after the epidemiological study.

Currently, 1,480 cases have been epidemiologically diagnosed (1,648 cases entered the NVSC system in the late afternoon or evening).

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad, did not communicate with confirmed cases of COVID-19 and currently 218 are registered (of those cases for which epidemiological studies have been carried out).

Cases were registered in outbreaks

Yesterday a new outbreak was registered in the Kartena Catholic Nursing and Support Treatment Hospital in the Kretinga district. Here, 11 cases of infection were confirmed, of which 10 patients and one worker.

Another new outbreak was registered in the Suvalkija social residence in the Marijampolė district, where 4 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed, as well as in the Marijampolė nursery in the “Rūta” kindergarten, where 5 cases of the COVID-19 disease.

Yesterday, 32 cases of infection related to the outbreak were confirmed in the social home of Zarasai, of which 27 are residents and 5 employees. Currently, a total of 75 infections are associated with the outbreak.

Yesterday, 13 cases of infection related to the outbreak were also confirmed in Linkuva welfare homes in Pakruojis district. A total of 115 cases of coronavirus infection are currently associated with the outbreak.

On Tuesday, there were also 9 cases of infection related to an outbreak at a yarn manufacturing company operating in the Raseiniai district. Since mid-November, a total of more than 40 cases of infection, including secondary cases, have been reported.

Also yesterday, COVID-19 cases related to outbreaks were recorded in furniture manufacturing companies operating in Klaipėda and Klaipėda district, sewing companies operating in Klaipėda district, and Vilkaviškis, a bicycle manufacturing company operating in Šiauliai, and an energy company operating in Vilnius.

At that time, in Telšiai county, cases of infection in connection with outbreaks were recorded in a construction company, as well as in a food company, a company that sells clothes.

In addition, last day 7 cases of coronavirus infection were registered, epidemiologists have linked the outbreak to the residence of Prienai, where more than 40 cases of COVID-19 have been registered since mid-November.

In addition, on Tuesday, outbreak-related cases were recorded in the nursing and supportive care department of Gargždai Hospital, Klaipėda Medical Nursing Hospital, Šilutė Social Services Center, Kėdainiai Morning Progymnasium.

New outbreaks, in which two cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, were detected in Josvainiai gymnasium of Kėdainiai district, Kaunas “Vaikystė” kindergarten, Kėdainiai kindergarten-kindergarten “Aviliukas”, kindergarten kindergarten-kindergarten “Spindulys” of Kaišiadorys, kindergarten Kelmėlė “in the kindergarten-kindergarten” Eglutė “.

According to currently available data, 214 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day.

In Lithuania, there are another 31 deaths from coronavirus

The NVSC reports that 31 cases of coronavirus deaths were received from medical institutions last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 704 lives.

There were 13 deaths in Kaunas County. The individuals belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, 80-89 and 90-99.

4 deaths were recorded in Vilnius county. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 70-79, 80-89 and 90-99.

There were 3 deaths in Klaipeda County. The individuals belonged to the age groups 70-79 and 80-89.

There were 3 deaths in Marijampolė County. The individuals belonged to the age groups 60-69, 80-89 and 90-99.

In Tauragė County there were 2 deaths. The individuals belonged to the age groups 80-89 and 90-99.

In Telšiai County, 2 deaths were recorded. The individuals belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years.

One death was recorded in Alytus County. The person belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

One death was also recorded in Panevėžys County. The person belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

One death was recorded in Šiauliai county. The person belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years.

A death was also recorded in Utena County. The person belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years.

In addition, the last day 12 deaths were reported in coronavirus deaths from other causes.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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