Unions do not support employers’ requests to allow all stores to operate


“Having reached a peak in a pandemic and now making an irresponsible decision that could affect the sudden jump and the start of the third wave after some time, it would be much more painful for us to focus and remain patient for a couple of weeks. On the expert advice, the specialists who analyze the data say that if we suffer this period, there is a very high probability that we will not have such strong jumps in autumn and we will no longer need a strict quarantine, ”I. Ruginienė told Eltai.

According to her, it is better for both companies and employees to “suffer a little” than to have a third wave of pandemic.

“I think it is better for both employees and any company to suffer a little now than to have a third wave and stress again, a feeling of insecurity for the employees,” said I. Ruginienė.

Speaking about the vaccination process, he said that many employers are willing to vaccinate workers on their own, but are currently unable to do so due to lack of vaccine.

“Vaccines are not enough, and there are professions that should and need vaccines, such as civil servants, couriers and ultimately supermarket workers, who are on the front line and provide us with all the supply chains, but the The problem is that Lithuania does not receive such large amounts and probably all of Europe is not receiving such amounts. I know that there are many employers who are willing to pay more and buy vaccines for their employees, but they simply cannot get them, “said I. Ruginienė.

“We all understand that the need is huge and these workers really need to have some priority. When talking to employers, they are willing to pay for vaccinations but cannot physically receive them. Here, as before, there was a problem with the masks, when we all realized that we needed to wear masks, but could not buy them, ”added the president of LPSK.

According to I. Ruginienė, vaccinating the most sensitive groups of people would reduce the risk of infection for employees.

“I think that every day we will have more and more vaccines so that we can vaccinate as many populations as possible, and if we vaccinate at least sensitive groups, if we make the first vaccination plan, workers will obviously be at risk, risk of infection and disease, ”said I. Ruginienė.

The Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation appealed to the Government regarding the unequal conditions of competition during the quarantine period.

According to the confederation, government restrictions have put some businesses “overboard”, as the main beneficiaries are currently businesses whose main activity is food retailing, but which, according to business representatives, also sell a important part of other goods.

The Confederation proposes to take advantage of good practices in other countries to ensure the safe operation of shops, restaurants, cafes and other commercial and catering establishments during quarantine.

The Association of Estheticians and Cosmetologists, on its own behalf and that of Lithuanian beauty specialists, also approached the Ministry of Health and the Government to assess the possibility of renewing the services provided by estheticians and cosmetologists from February 1.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said on Monday after the government meeting that she understood the companies’ requests to consider releasing the quarantine restrictions, but stressed that it was important not to make these decisions too quickly and not to harm the improving epidemiological trends. .

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