Ulanov doubts his ability to join the national team / News


Fenerbahche Istanbul striker Edgar Ulanov, who is struggling with an injury at the club, doubts he will be able to join the Lithuanian team in June.

The athlete told the Delfi Mindaugas journalist Augustus that he would make the final decision only after returning to Lithuania and consulting with medical specialists.

“I will finally close this question after the exam in Lithuania,” Ulanov replied to the question of whether trauma can prevent him from reaching the national team. – Unfortunately, now everything is going to mean that you may have to skip the camp. It would be no surprise if that happened. I want to know exactly, I really want to be able to speak face to face with the professionals that we have in Lithuania. But he may have to go the summer without basketball for health reasons, there just may be no other way. “

Ulanov has had problems with the club for several months. Lately he has not played for Fenerbahce, which is related to both the injury and the legionnaire limit.

There are 5 legionaries in the Turkish League and 10 foreigners in the Fenerbahche Club.

Ulanov, 29 years old and 198 cm tall, scored 4.5 points this season in the Euroleague, bounced 1.6 balls and gave 1.4 assists.

There are 15 surnames on the list of candidates for the Lithuanian national team. Our people will gather at the training ground on June 16 and the selection for the Kaunas Olympics will begin on June 29.

List of candidates for Lithuanian national teams:
