Two years after Nausea’s victory: everything he promised is backwards


The political reviewer Rimvydas Valatka stated that all the promises made by G. Nausėda had been implemented in reverse.

“If we evaluate the activities of G. Nausėda, it should be said that everything he promised is the opposite. He promised an open Presidency, he opened up only to homophobes and similar actors. He promised to join, but in reality his actions and languages ​​divide society, it does not seek consensus.And, in general, during those two years, the president has found his true voter: people who are against innovation, Europeanisation, who prefer to stay in the Belarusian and Russian space.

I could not be afraid to say that in 3 years G. Nausėda will be a candidate supported by Ramūnas Karbauskis in the presidential elections, ”said critic R. Valatka on the program“ Informative comments with Arnas Mazėčius ”.

Gypsy Naus Gda

Gypsy Naus Gda

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He said that G. Nausėda would stand in the presidential elections.

“We must not turn our backs on ourselves, now it is clear who G. Nausėda is the candidate for. Before those elections, the peasants put him in time for conservative candidates. And in three years, it will be an interesting fight with someone from the right. “he said on the show.

Mistake after mistake

Communication expert Arūnas Armalis didn’t get much praise either – one mistake after another.

“It just came to our attention then. In one hit or miss, after another hit or miss slip. Still hanging a new tag: at the beginning of his term, the president started with a strange symbol of a child. Now he stands on the half of his term as president of the polls. And actually, it seems that just a little calmer and immediately a new mistake, “said the communication expert.

However, he said Sunday’s events in Belarus gave G. Nausėda another chance and he uses it well.

“But looking back two years, it’s just a path between miscommunication,” Armalis said.

Mindaugas Lingė, chairman of the Seimas Labor and Social Affairs Commission, said that, at the moment, he was seeing an ongoing search for a “political concept.”

“There is a certain leadership vacuum, sometimes it is really doubtful that we do not have two prime ministers in Lithuania. (…) This was also seen in the turbulence of the pandemic, when we tried to find that composition, discover a certain role, be a figure visible, sharing and pushing with the elbows of the executive. That desire to find activity in internal politics, sometimes trying to manage that daily life, and we have those political changes in internal politics, “said M. Lingė, the interlocutor, in the program.

Two years after Nausea's victory: everything he promised is backwards

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Which president is most similar?

G. Nausėda has said that President Valdas Adamkus is an example for him. He has also stated that he will be a different president than Dalia Grybauskaitė. Seimas member M. Lingė assured in the program that G. Nausėda sometimes resembles another president: Rolandas Paksas.

“You mentioned two presidents, but from what has been said and from recent events, it often seems that I am approaching another former president who, unfortunately, has not been in office for the entire term and has been removed by impeachment: R. Paksas. Those initiatives, correspondences, rhetoric or identification in terms of the nation’s rostrum, moments of consultation, rhetoric of electorate language, occupation of niches represent one more part of Lithuania. This is the unifying line that was declared When we arrive, we do not see those practical examples of politics, ”said M. Lingė.

R. Valatka claimed that G. Nausėda had failed to become the concentrating president.

“It just came to our notice then. Suppose the proposal, which the president repeated twice, is the revocation of members of the Seimas. Imagine what anarchy a person wants to lead the state to,” said R. Valatka, recalling opinion polls. commissioned by the Presidency.

One of the questions was whether residents would like to remove Seimas members of parliament.

“If in four years we surrender to all those who want to overthrow a member of the Seimas, then we could have about 200 elections in 71 constituencies. And so we would go back to Chichinsky times,” said commentator R. Valatka.

He wonders why G. Nausėda constantly mentions V. Adamkus as an example, if “he copies R. Paksas everywhere.”

There were also achievements

Communication expert A. Armalis said there were also achievements: a 3 percent veto on the electoral poster, as well as an intergovernmental council of health experts, leadership was assumed in this area.

“But in the second step, he immediately cut that step, when for so long he had hardened the government’s claim that it has all the clout to deal with a pandemic. Without a doubt, the pandemic could have become a very good way to bring people together and elect the role of president, who goes to the people and speaks while the government works on the bans, ”said a communications expert.

You can see the full conversation here.
