Two Netflix series filming in Vilnius: warning of traffic changes


In November of last year, after the successful premiere of the detective series Young Wallander, Netflix announced the development of the second season. Soon intensive preparations began in Vilnius.

We remind you that in 2019. Filmmakers from the USA, UK, Sweden and Lithuania filmed a 6-part series, the hero of which is the cult character, Detective Kurt Valander. The television series is based on the bestseller short story by Swedish writer Henning Mankell. The creators filmed the first series of the season intensively in Šeškin which, which “became” the city of Malmö, this time the series is planned not only in Šeškinė, but also in Fabijoniškės and the old town, where the scenes most important and complex of the second season will be filmed.

Clark filming in Vilnius / Photo: Dansu

This year, work continues on the Netflix series Clark, which began filming in Vilnius last year. The series tells the life story of a real character: Clark Oderth Olofsson. After this crime was committed, the name Stockholm Syndrome was used, used all over the world. It is a psychological phenomenon when the hostages (victims) begin to feel positive feelings during the kidnapping, such as voluntary obedience, respect, love for their hostages, despite the fact that there is a danger to their life or health during the kidnapping.

Vilnius Film Bureau reports on ongoing filming work in the city:

March 1, 19 2:00 p.m. M. At 4:00 p. M. filmed near the building on Kauno str. 5, for a short restriction (up to 5 minutes) of vehicle traffic on the part of Aguonų Street from Kaunas to Šaltinių Street;

Filming of “Young Valander” in Vilnius / Photo: Ahil

March 2, 19 7 p. M. – 11 p. M. filming on the Vilnius road, briefly stopping (up to 3 minutes) pedestrian and bicycle traffic;

3. as of March 21. 4 pm until March 22. 1:30 in the afternoon. filmed at the Vilnius Town Hall, 22 parking spaces are reserved on Didžioji Street;

4. March 22. 9:30 am to 7:00 pm During filming, vehicular traffic is prohibited on the part of Gediminas avenue from Šventaragis to Ž. Liauksmino streets, reserved parking spaces Ž. Liauksmino Street;

5, March 22 5 p. M. At 10 p. M. filmed in the Vilnius Congress Hall, from 6 to 22 pm 15 parking spaces are reserved on Tilto Street;

6. 2021 March 23 10 am to 10 pm Filming will take place in the building on Gedimino Avenue. 38, 10-20 p. M. vehicle traffic is prohibited on the part of Vasario 16-osios street from Gediminas avenue to Pamėnkalnio street, a part of the parking spaces on Pamėnkalnio, A. Domaševičiaus and Aukų streets is reserved;

7. 2021 March 23 11 am to 11 pm filmed next to the building on Gedimino avenue. 32, which prohibits vehicle traffic on the part of Gediminas avenue from A. Jakštas to Vasario 16-osios street. Part of the parking lots on Kaštonų and Vladas Putvinskio-Pūtvio streets are reserved for filming;

March 8, 23 7 pm to March 24. 4 pm the filming will take place at the Metelica nightclub, Vokieči calle street, reserved parking space;

9 March 20:00 to 22:30 filming will take place in Lukiškės square, pedestrian traffic at the filming location near the fountains will be briefly restricted;

March 10, 24 8-24 pm Filming will take place at the intersection of Islandijos and Vilniaus streets, vehicle traffic on Islandijos street will be prohibited and pedestrian and bicycle traffic on Iceland and Vilnius streets will be restricted for a short time (up to 5 minutes), part of the parking lot. near the intersection of Vilnius and Liejyklos streets will be reserved;

March 11 11 a. M. At 5 p. M. filmed in the Švenčionių st building. 16, March 23. 1 pm until March 24. 5 pm a part of the parking spaces on Švenčionių and Mielagėnų streets is reserved;

March 12 and 24 5:00 p.m. M. At 11:00 p. M. Filming will take place at the Military Cemetery for filming purposes from March 23rd. 7 pm until March 24. 11 pm 30 parking spaces are reserved on MK Čiurlionio street;

March 25 3:00 p.m. M. At 7:00 p. M. The shooting will take place in the courtyard of a residential house between the buildings on Ukmergės str. 208, 210, 212 and 214, and 7 pm The filming will take place in the courtyard of a residential house between the buildings of Ukmergės str. 196 and 198. Pedestrian traffic is restricted for a short time (up to 3 minutes) during filming, starting on March 23rd. 9 pm until March 25. 8 pm during the preparatory and filming works, traffic and parking in the courtyards of said houses is prohibited;

March 14, 25 10 a.m. M. A 1 p. M. filmed near the Vokiečių st building. 3, which prohibits vehicular traffic from 1 to 7 houses in a traffic lane on the Vokieči for street part and for a short period of time (up to 5 minutes) vehicular traffic on the wide side of Vokiečių street . From 2021 March 24 3 pm to March 25. 6 pm reserved part of the parking spaces on Vokiečių street;

March 15 and 25 12-16 Filming will take place next to the Vilnius Town Hall building, briefly restricting (up to 5 minutes) vehicle traffic on the part of Didšosios street around Town Hall Square and on the road between the Vilnius Town Hall building and the Square. From March 24. 3 pm until March 25. 5 pm 36 parking spaces on Didžioji Street are reserved for filming.

Drivers’ attention is requested and residents are thanked for their understanding.
