Two hospitals close the doors of a two-year-old child in case of urgent medical assistance –


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Daiva Šidlauskaitė still does not understand how doctors were unable to provide emergency help to a young son who had swollen eyes. Photo from the personal archive of Daiva Šidlauskaitė.

Suddenly started to swell

The young family needed medical help a few days ago, on Sunday night, when their 2-year-old, 2-month-old son suddenly had an acute allergic reaction – the boy began to swell. Not knowing what to use, the parents rushed to the nearby Elektrėnai Hospital. Hoping to receive first aid, the parents heard that the child would not be accepted. “Everything always happens to everyone, but I did not believe that doctors could close the door in front of a person’s nose … Elektrėnai Hospital did not accept me with a small child to examine me, because there are no doctors who could. It was said that “we cannot help him in anything …” – surprises mother D.Šidlauskaitė, who spoke about her experience in public.

They didn’t even ask about the child

The woman says that not only was the child not accepted, the doctors did not even ask why the family is asking for help, because perhaps there is a very urgent case: “They did not ask how the child is feeling. He did not find out whether to inject medication for inflammation, did not offer at least one emergency call. No, there was absolutely nothing on his part, “said the mother further about the stressful night in Vakaro žinios.

Fearing for the boy’s health, the parents decided to drive to Trakai Hospital. There, it turned out that they also had no one to at least see the minor patient. “And there I was disappointed, because the nurse on duty said that we could not accept each other, because there are no doctors, there is no one to see the child … I have a question, who takes care of those children who are in the hospital? “what help does the child need.

The woman then decided to call the ambulance, which rushed to Trakai hospital. The disembarked doctors asked the hospital staff why they were not accepting the baby, who needed urgent first aid.

“The nurse on duty was outraged, ‘Should I sit with that child?’ To receive first aid “. – Many problems plague my mother.

She says the same questions came up for the ambulances arriving at Trakai: “They were shocked by the situation. We were told that the child could have suffocated due to a very serious allergic reaction. “

I took him to Vilnius

Fortunately, this situation ended well. Upon arrival, the ambulance inspected the baby, injected him with medication and transferred him to Vilnius Santara Hospital, where he was admitted to a specialized children’s ward. Currently, the child receives treatment for allergies on an outpatient basis under the supervision of family doctors.

D.Šidlauskaitė says that he did not understand why the little boy did not receive urgent help that was vital for him even in two hospitals. Faced with this situation, he wrote complaints to both institutions and made his story public. The woman hopes to warn the other parents in this way.

“I had heard of the lazy doctors’ behavior at Elektrėnai Hospital, but until I experienced it myself, I didn’t want to believe. I don’t understand why this is happening. I want to warn other parents not to end up in our situation. It may not always end well, as it did to us. There is not always so much time. Perhaps it will help the doctors themselves to understand that this is not normal.

I partly understand that doctors are exhausted by the pandemic, but their job is to save lives. I do not want to imagine what could have happened in the worst case … It is terrible that the doctors who took the Hippocratic oath, who have to save lives, instead of giving at least first aid, close the door in front of a small child “, says D. Šidlauskaitė.

When this story was made public on a social network, it was shared by thousands of people. More people have told similar stories. For example, two more mothers said they had recently experienced a similar situation when Trakai Hospital refused to provide care to a minor because the institution’s pediatricians were on vacation.

An audit has been launched

After contacting Elektrėnai Hospital about the situation with Vakaro žinios, the administration apologized for the situation and assured that an internal audit had been initiated in the institution. To avoid such errors, an unscheduled audit is initiated at the institution as a matter of urgency. in order to know those responsible for the case and the circumstances of the incident.

We want to ensure that our facilities provide the necessary care for patients of all ages. We regret the situation and we apologize for the experiences of the patient and their families, ”the administration reported.

The whole department is on vacation

And here the administration of Trakai Hospital did not see their guilt. It turns out that pediatricians spend more than a month on leave at this hospital. According to the institution, “due to the reduction in children’s morbidity during the summer period, the staff of the Department of Childhood Diseases of Trak Tra Hospital received annual leave from July 3 to August 15. During this period, the institution’s personal health care license for the above services were suspended. “

When asked if this means that the emergency department is not working, Antanas Česnulevičius, the director of the hospital, said that “the children’s reception department is not open when the employees of the Department of Children’s Diseases are on vacation.” comment more on the situation.
