Two days before closing, stores announce massive discounts and invite you to visit


Delphi The reader shared a Facebook photo in which Kaunas-based clothing store Pamaiva announces “massive discounts” and invites shoppers to visit two days before non-food stores across the country close.

“As we already know, we are temporarily closed for quarantine as of Wednesday. But let’s not be sad, two days before that – MASSIVE DISCOUNTS !!!

But remember to be alert and behave safely. The flow of people will be controlled and security requirements will be enforced. It is also possible to buy online! ”- announces the clothing store.

Pamaiva encourages the purchase of gifts, household items and announces discounts of up to 40%.

“LET’S SEE. ONLY 2 days!” – is written in the ad.

Two days before closing, stores announce massive discounts and invite you to visit

© Reader’s photo

The store manager, Martyna Petrėnaitė, points out that there are currently no people in the store and ensures that the store meets all safety requirements. Furthermore, it is mainly traded online.

“Our store is small and all safety requirements are met, the number of visitors is limited and the facilities are disinfected. Entrance from the outside, open space. We mainly sell online, but due to website failures we are unable to offer everything online.

Many items of interest to people would have to wait to be shipped because parcel services are congested, so we still allow you to purchase missing items before closing. However, our main business is still online, ”he says.

M. Petrėnaitė pointed out that “Pamaiva” is a point of sale, so promotions are constantly carried out: “There is a big difference where the flows of people in supermarkets like” Akropolis “,” Senukai “,” Depo “and food products Promotions are posted everywhere and everyone is invited by people and hundreds of people flow in a day.

At that time, only a few people with restrictions come to us during the day, so I don’t think comments from angry people will bother us. We are responsible and protect everyone’s health. “

Two days before closing, stores announce massive discounts and invite you to visit

© Reader

In addition, he adds that he believes that it is safer to buy in these types of small stores instead of going en masse to large supermarkets.

“The flow of 5-6 people a day, compared to several hundred as in other places, is the most responsible moment,” emphasizes M. Petrėnaitė.

Promotions and invitations to visit supermarkets can also be seen during quarantine. For example, the Jysk home goods store advertises 40 percent. discount for non-discounted goods and 50 percent. discount on Christmas items.

The ad adds that the discounts only apply from December 14-15 (until stores close).

Other Delphi The reader shared an SMS message announcing discounts for frozen products in physical “Iki” stores. The offer is valid from December 14 to 20. by presenting a special code at the cash register.

Two days before closing, stores announce massive discounts and invite you to visit

© Reader

As the retail chain Vaida Budrienė comments, Iki announces a long-term discount, valid for a whole week for loyal customers, and the buyer can take advantage of it any day of the week. According to her, the publication of long-term discounts is not prohibited.

“It is recommended not to advertise instant discounts that attract customers in a very short time. For example, only x hour x item x discount. In this case, the discount is continuous and the flow of buyers is distributed. Long-term discounts for contacting retail chains are not prohibited. We do not communicate and we do not make discounts for a very short time ”, he assures.

V. Budrienė points out that a significant part (about 30%) of the people in Lithuania buy only during promotions.

“Without knowing what discount applies to how loyal customers apply, our shoppers can go to the store to find out. In this case, after receiving an SMS, a person can choose and plan purchases in advance. Unfortunately, there is no online food trade in the smaller cities. Therefore, we must also respond to these buyers, ”says V. Budrienė.

Two days before closing, stores announce massive discounts and invite you to visit

© Reader

Delphi He already wrote on Friday that some clothing stores are announcing seasonal sales and inviting residents to visit only physical stores. Examples include H&M stores and Humana’s secondhand clothing store.

It is true that the comment of this last company Delphi He did not receive it, and today he received another photo of the reader, who registered the queues in the store.

Another second-hand clothing store, Pasaulio Clothes, also offers deep discounts on all items and invites you to visit physical stores.

“We are in a hurry to report! December 14-15 even 50 percent discount on all products! We invite you to visit us!” – it is written in the SMS sent by the store.

Delphi recalls that a week ago the government tightened quarantine conditions and recommended that supermarkets abandon stocks and sales. New, stricter restrictions go into effect on Wednesday, and most stores will close, except for food and other essentials.

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