Twitter has blocked Trump’s campaign account


Photo by Carlos Barria (Reuters / Scanpix)

Twitter temporarily restricted U.S. President Donald Trump’s election campaign account and ability to post ads on Thursday when a video of election rival Joe Biden was posted on the account.

“It just came to our attention then. And there may be such unpleasant things that I don’t want to happen. But it will probably have to be done,” Reuters was quoted as saying by Twitter.

A video posted to the @TeamTrump account is based on Wednesday’s New York Post story of Biden’s son Hunter’s collaboration with the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, which says former Vice President Biden also met with an adviser. from the Ukrainian company.

“Joe Biden is a liar who has been stealing our country for many years,” the caption added to the video.

Twitter claims that the video violated the rules on publishing private information. The social network added that account managers must delete a post before they can continue posting.

When Biden’s campaign denied the New York Post episode that he had met a Ukrainian businessman, social media Facebook and Twitter restricted the ability to post links to the article, citing doubts about the reliability of the information.

That only made Trump outrageous. When the Twitter account of White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany was blocked because she shared a post from the New York Post, the President of the United States responded: “He is telling the truth! They closed his account.

On Thursday, after Trump’s campaign account was blocked, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee decided to convene Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham and Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley said the committee would vote to send the subpoena to him on Oct. 20. and he is scheduled to appear before the committee before October 23rd.

Forgotten computer

The New York Post bases its article on data allegedly obtained from a computer previously used by Biden. The newspaper writes that H. Biden left said computer in the computer rule in Delaware in 2019 in April, writes AFP-BNS.

The owner of the anonymous rule told the newspaper that if the owner of the computer did not take it for a long time, he would copy the entire contents of the hard drive and turn the computer over to federal officials. The owner gave a copy of the hard drive to Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, who in turn shared it with the newspaper.

“The emails reveal how Mr. Biden introduced the Ukrainian businessman to his father’s vice president,” the New York Post reported. Mr. Biden was Barack Obama’s vice president at the time.

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