Turning the clock: for or against? Comment of a Neurologist Life


A change of one hour worsens health

2018 In October, the European Society for Sleep Research, together with the European Society for Biological Rhythm, made recommendations to the European Commission on the timing. Scientists and doctors have unequivocally argued that turning the clock twice a year is harmful and recommended choosing a standard time (winter) that is clearly more beneficial to the health of the European population. This is especially important for certain social groups (children, adolescents, the elderly with certain diseases).

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Neurologist Raminta Masaitienė

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Neurologist Raminta Masaitienė

“The effects on sleep are well known and are felt quickly. With the introduction of daylight saving time, sleep shortens and its quality deteriorates. It takes time for a person to adjust. The risk of myocardial infarction increases as 5 percent in the first days after the introduction of daylight saving time and increases the risk of stroke.

This is believed to be due to the release of stress hormones, metabolic imbalances (metabolic disorders affecting diabetes, development of cardiovascular diseases) caused by a sudden decrease in the duration of sleep. The risk of psychiatric spectrum disorders also increases: depression worsens due to a longer period of darkness and increases the risk of suicide, ”says neurologist Raminta Masaitienė.

The risk of myocardial infarction increases to 5 percent in the first days after the introduction of daylight saving time and increases the risk of stroke.

Turning to the right violates the body’s circadian rhythm.

According to R. Masaitienė, a neurologist at the Santara Clinics Neurology Center, the time that protects daylight often passes with the rhythm of our individual biological clock. According to experts, this is relevant for all residents of European time zones, and especially for children, schoolchildren, and so-called owls.

“The biological clock is responsible for the harmonious functioning of circadian rhythms (physiological, biochemical, hormonal, sleep-wake). Circadian rhythms are changes that occur within the following 24 hours: sleep-wake processes, temperature, pulse, release of hormones. The internal biological clock is in the brain, in the hypothalamus. It receives a pulse of light through the eyes and thus combines our circadian rhythms with external factors. It could be called the central guide to circadian rhythms, ”says R. Masaitienė.

The harmonious activity of circadian processes is also regulated by genes. The doctor says that clock genes have been discovered that are in every cell and regulate the 24-hour circadian rhythm of every cell in our body. This system of regulation of circadian processes could be called peripheral.

Thus, genetic factors are also responsible for regulating the daily rhythm of an individual, so that each person has an individual and self-optimal internal clock rhythm, according to which he can function more efficiently. If the individual rhythm of the biological clock does not coincide with the social rhythm, a syndrome of change of social time zone is experienced. Social jet lag). For example, many people who go to counseling say that even though they sleep well enough and come to work at 7 or 8 o’clock. they are very sleepy and “wake up” and feel most active between 9 and 10 o’clock. This example shows that it is difficult for an individual human biological clock to adapt to a social regime.

“What is the real type of our biological clock that we can determine during the holidays: in what way we live and feel better when we are not stuck in work or other social settings (kindergarten, school, etc.), this rhythm is the best for the body ”, says the doctor. .

It is estimated that the rhythm of the internal biological clock of most Europeans is later, so the European Society for Sleep Research, together with experts from the European Society for Biological Rhythm, offers Europeans one standard time, that is , winter time. By the way, standard or winter time is more correlated with light-dark mode. Experts point to a number of benefits of winter: healthier and better sleep, more beneficial for the heart, lower risk of metabolic imbalances (overweight), psychologically healthier society, less dependence on tobacco, alcohol and other psychotropic substances, improved science and employment (especially for young people). ).

In the first week after the time change, the accident rate increases

The time change affects not only human health but also the accident rate, which increases to 8 percent in the first week after the introduction of daylight saving time. Drivers tend to sleep more, sleep less. Accidents are also increasing at the same time.

Another important area is achievement, viability. With the introduction of daylight saving time, the working capacity of adults has decreased significantly. And the progress of children and students is noticeably better in the week before the introduction of daylight saving time and worse after the introduction of daylight saving time. Dr R. Maaitienė says a study was conducted in the United States when daylight saving time was introduced in some counties and not others. In counties where daylight saving time was introduced, test scores were worse.

Creating motivation and, more importantly, not adding suffering is very important to feel better.

Intrinsic motivation facilitates adaptation to change

The ability to adapt to changes over time is not the same for everyone. R.Masaitienė, a neurologist at Santara Clinics, distinguishes several things. According to the doctor, the ability of the internal clock to adapt to changes in external conditions is genetically determined, so it is influenced by the individual’s genetics and their ability to adapt.

Age is also important: it is more difficult for children, students and the elderly to adjust. Furthermore, comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, pre-existing sleep disorders or lack of sleep make it difficult to adapt to changes over time. R.Masaitienė pays special attention to personal motivation.

For example, if a person goes to bed an hour later because he chooses an activity that is enjoyable, then in the morning he does not feel too bad. There are people who change the time zone more than once a week when they fly by plane, but they feel good because they have a strong motivation: they do important work for them, they get paid for it.

“Creating motivation and, more importantly, not adding suffering is very important to feel better. Often times, changing times make people very angry. They already feel worse, and anger and frustration contribute to it, which it only worsens their well-being, ”says Raminta Masaitienė.

The clockwise rotation began a few hundred years ago. Raminta Masaitienė, a neurologist at the Santara Clinics Neurology Center, says Benjamin Franklin was the first to propose the introduction of daylight protection hours, called summer, in the 18th century. at the end. Later, in the early 20th century, the British Parliament took up this idea to take care of people. I wanted the nights to be longer, brighter, so that people did not have to consume too much alcohol and other substances when they were gathered indoors and at the same time, the lighting was saved.

The paradox is that the British themselves (together with scientists from other countries) already demonstrated at the beginning of the 21st century that the time change, especially the introduction of summer time, has a negative impact on health indicators, student performance, increase of accidents.

VIDEO: Turning the clock Raminta Masaitienė
