Turkish immigrant: I receive messages from women who are afraid to confess to their relatives for such a relationship


Odeta and her mother emigrated to Vienna, the capital of Austria, in 2007. There, the girl learned to speak German, and in 2013. The companions of the celebration welcomed Hasan, for whom in 2014. married in a small wedding . She quickly realized that not everyone would accept her relationship with a Muslim, but that did not deter her from love.

She also created a private Facebook group called Women’s Circle for women who want to speak up and find like-minded people due to a similar situation. At the same time, Instagram shares funny and witty images from your partner’s life.

Turkish immigrant: I receive messages from women who are afraid to confess to their relatives about such a relationship

© Photo from personal album

He started his own business

So what has changed over the years that Odeta has decided to get back in touch with the editorial office and share his personal life story? According to the girl, she just wanted her story to motivate those people they could make fun of at the time and they said they would fail.

Although he previously said that he had thought about moving to another country before the first quarantine, he still lives in Austria. He also had plans to start a business in Lithuania, but so far this idea has been postponed to 2023.

“It just came to our notice then. We promised to open something on our own at the Acropolis in Vilnius, but plans changed. I had to implement my business idea in Vienna. We opened our own café here, where we trade fast food.

These would be kebabs, pizzas, etc. In fact, we were surprised at how well we were doing. Now there are always lines of people at our kebabs. We are very happy about that, ”he said about the new experience.

According to Odeta, she is one of the first Lithuanians to start such a business in Vienna. However, he added that in 2023 they have reserved a place in Vilnius “Akropolis” and hope to be able to expand their business to Lithuania.

Tears and invest all the money

However, the woman admits that to achieve such success she had to endure slander, harassment and shedding of tears from Lithuanians. According to her, compatriots did not become more tolerant after the article that appeared last year, they wanted not to be successful in private messages.

“On the other hand, all this helped us a lot and those difficulties only motivated us not to stop and move on. The most important thing is that you don’t stop dreaming. Everything went as it should. Otherwise, I don’t know if that motivation would have been enough to create it all.

Now we are also receiving other threats of all kinds, in which it is written that ‘we will set fire’, but I no longer look at it as before. What I see right now is that we are doing well. Families are very supportive of us and that means a lot. “We try to pay less attention to the bad messages that come from the other side of the world,” he said.

But he made no secret of the fact that he had to invest all the money saved in the business, and he feared that he would not even have to repay his first customers.

“But with Hasan, we saved the pig-pig for a ‘black’ day and decided that now was the time to break it up. So we found a solution from which to get a return on the money. Admittedly, it was terrifying how successful it would be when all the money was invested. I had to shed a few tears, ”the girl recalled.

Negative opinion because I am not interested

When Odeta asks him why he thinks Lithuanians sometimes find it difficult to marry Muslims, they say it is probably because they are not very interested in it.

“You are probably taking more into account what is written in the press, the myths that float online and the women themselves do not want to communicate and listen. When you ask some compatriots where they have heard negative comments about Muslims, it is generally said that they have read or heard somewhere.

For example, seen on television, read online or something like that. The most common sayings I hear are that they take a child, take him away, and put on a “scarf.” However, it makes me laugh because I have not experienced or heard such things from those around me. I have only heard all this from the Lithuanian media. “

The girl emphasized that her husband has never forbidden her to do anything and that a true Muslim cannot even force her to wear a hijab or nicabo.

“The Islamic religion forbids such things, and only if the wife wishes, can she choose whether to wear such clothes.”

Turkish immigrant: I receive messages from women who are afraid to confess to their relatives for such a relationship

© Photo from personal album

However, Odeta does not hide that she herself did not have many problems with her family because of the chosen one, but on occasions she receives messages from women who fear confessing to their relatives about such a relationship.

“There is still that attitude towards foreigners and maybe even towards those ‘Russian times’. It is even passed down from generation to generation, so these women are afraid to speak to their families, they are afraid of their reaction and they fear that they will not be accepted later. There are certainly many such women.

It is true that there are many who speak for my family and for how I live a normal life. However, they also admit to feeling a slightly different approach. They say it would really be easier to build a relationship with our compatriot. “

These issues are also discussed in the private group “Círculo de Mujeres”, which she has created, but says she currently spends less time managing it because she needs to take care of business.

Not proud of some Lithuanians

Odeta assures that he cannot speak ill of the entire Lithuanian nation, but there are compatriots of whose actions he is not really proud.

“I cannot be proud of that part of the nation whose attitude is still stagnant in time. So those who do not improve, but sit down, criticize and everything goes wrong. Besides, the same critics wonder how they are not doing. well here, and others may succeed. “

According to her, some spill a lot of dirt, especially on those Lithuanians who went abroad and think that their money is falling from the sky.

“They don’t know what’s behind it. He does not understand that there can be a beautiful relationship and it is not necessary to be Muslim, but there can also be a Lithuanian with a Lithuanian. So they don’t understand everything behind the scenes, but they are not afraid to express their opinion boldly. “

She says that after reading the comments after the articles about her and her husband, she always starts laughing, because in part it is difficult for Lithuanians to expect something different.

“Confirm once again that I myself have a pure heart and anticipated what the comments would be and what the attitude of our people would be. In response to that anger, I can say that for one person their bread is too dry and for another the diamond is too small.

It all depends on the person himself, and I think that if he is not inclined to debate, if he is inclined to look for something bad, he does not need a pandemic to spill bad emotions.

According to the interlocutor, Lithuanians are also colder in character, which makes it easier to vent. But he also wanted something to change if he wanted to break out of the bottom of negativity.

“In my opinion, some Lithuanians should express themselves less and be less interested in who lives or who says what. You need to focus more on your goals and your path. If you always looked at someone else’s path rather than looking at your goals, then stay whitout movement.

Of course, unless those people want it. If it’s that good for them, it’s good. However, I wish you all good health, because that is the most important thing at this time. I think it’s important for everyone to stay healthy and sane at this time, ”he said.

He also said that it is not difficult for Turks to hug, praise another person and wish warmer communication to our compatriots.

We also share one of the many hilarious images that the couple delights their fans with. In this image, Odeta asks to compare some habits of Lithuanian and Turkish men.

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