Trump, who only put on a mask once, changes his position and says he is patriotic to wear it.


This is an absolute contradiction to the President’s previous behavior, which was clearly against the masks.

“We are all united in our efforts to overcome China’s invisible virus and many people say it is patriotic to wear a protective mask when you cannot keep a distance. There is no one more patriotic than me, your beloved president, “the President of the United States said on Twitter on Monday.

Trump’s words, implicitly requiring the use of masks, rang out nearly three months after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that the country’s citizens wear them in public.

In the photo, Donald Trump is captured in a dark mask with a presidential insignia, a mask he was wearing two weeks ago when he visited wounded soldiers at the Walter Reed Military Hospital near Washington.

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Donald Tras finally put on his mask

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Donald Tras finally put on his mask

It was the first and so far known last time that the US President wore a protective mask. To date, he has strictly refused to wear a mask in public to protect himself against a coronavirus pandemic.

Why did you change your mind?

As a source close to the presidential team told CNN, Trump has changed his mind about wearing masks as his ratings have dropped more and more recently.

Ahead of the US presidential election in November, Trump lags behind the popularity of Democrat Joe Biden. Polls show that most Americans don’t like the way the country’s leader has handled this public health crisis.

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Joe Biden

Reuters / Scanpix photo / Joe Biden

For more than a month, Trump aides encouraged him to wear masks, but he steadfastly refused each time and put the mask on only once.

Everything has changed since Trump’s meeting with his campaign advisers on Monday, who told him directly that even internal numbers show his popularity in decline. Americans are not happy with the way the president is dealing with the coronavirus crisis.

According to the president’s adviser, Trump, who only put on the mask at Walter Reed’s military hospital, did so and urged his advisers to set an example for those who supported him. But even then, according to the adviser, Trump was very reluctant to succumb to pressure from the media.

While visiting the Ford plant in May, Trump also assured that he wore a mask at intervals, but only where journalists were not allowed in. The president later said that “he did not want to give the press the pleasure of seeing him wearing a mask.”

However, cases of coronavirus infection are spreading in the United States and more and more Republicans are beginning to oppose Trump, urging the public to wear masks.

And Trump aides say wearing a mask for the president is key to political success, as the coronavirus is currently a major concern for voters.

In early spring, Trump ridiculed the Democratic presidential candidate and his main rival, Joe Biden, for wearing the mask, and at a press conference in April, Trump said the mask “doesn’t look very presidential.”

“Somehow, sitting in the Oval Cabinet, at this wonderful table, I think wearing a mask … When I meet other presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings or queens. Well I don’t know, somehow I don’t think it’s me. But I don’t know if I’ll ever change my mind, “Trump said then.

The most affected country

In the U.S., the number of new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection exceeded 60,000 for the seventh consecutive day, according to data published by Johns Hopkins University. The United States is the world most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the United States, 61,288 new infections and 488 deaths were detected daily on Monday, according to data published at 8 p.m. 30 minutes. Local time (Tuesday 3:30 p.m. Lithuania) at the University of Baltimore.

The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States since the beginning of this epidemic has increased to 140,922, and the total number of confirmed infections has increased to 3.82 million.
