Triumph of the accused terrorist Jakštas: the testimonies that condemned him suddenly became salvation


As previously thought, this form of “protest” against the police and in order to intimidate the public was chosen by Arūnas Jakštas, known in a criminal context and dissatisfied with the arrest of a friend.

The man allegedly assembled a team of executors of the plan he had created (including minors – aut. Past). And a few minutes after midnight it caused real confusion.

7 older cars were burned overnight. The total damage caused by these actions amounted to about 4 thousand. euros.

However, even for terrorism, Jakštas triumphs today. After a long litigation process, the Lithuanian Court of Appeal decided to acquit him.

Guilt is based on assumptions

The Lithuanian Court of Appeal considered A. Jakštas’ appeal against the Kaunas Regional Court in 2018. January 18 sentence. The verdict was announced on Tuesday.

In it, A. Jakštas was found guilty and convicted of destroying and damaging foreign property on a large scale in a universally dangerous manner, with the aim of intimidating part of the public and the police station to refrain from taking certain procedural actions.

According to the Kaunas court, in order to take revenge on the police officers for the allegedly illegal procedural actions, A. Jakštas instructed the members of the organized group to organize the burning of vehicles and select the right people to commit these crimes.

This case was examined a second time in the Lithuanian Court of Appeal. A. Jakštas only one appealed the procedural decision of the appeal body to the Lithuanian Supreme Court (LAT). Other convicts in this case did not appeal the decision.

The Lithuanian Court of Appeal noted that the regional court convicted A. Jakšt on the basis of the testimony of three witnesses. The Lithuanian Court of Appeal, after evaluating the testimony of these individuals, ruled that the testimony was unreliable. According to the jurisprudence of the Lithuanian courts and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, such evidence cannot lead to a conviction. Therefore, the panel of judges acquitted A. Jakštas.

“The conviction cannot be based on presumptions, and in this case no evidence has been gathered that A. Jakštas ordered to organize an arson, select the right people to commit these crimes, and thus destroy and damage foreign property in a universally dangerous way, “said A. Piesliakas.

In the present criminal case, Mr. Jakštas’ guilt for organizing the arson was essentially based on three sources of evidence: the testimony of an anonymous witness and the testimony of two witnesses who had been acquitted.

The panel of judges of the Court of Appeal, after re-examining the criminal case on the basis of A. Jakštas’ appeal and examining the testimony of the three individuals in the context of other evidence gathered in the case, concluded that the testimony of such people was contradictory. the circumstances of the events indicated by the witness, who is subject to anonymity.

This judgment of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal enters into force on the day of its adoption and can be appealed in cassation before the SCL within a period of three months.

The court named him a terrorist

The news portal previously wrote that 7 years later, 10 people heard the sentences in the Kaunas Regional Court after this crime. Initially, they were tried under the “exotic” article of the Lithuanian Penal Code, for an act of terrorism that caused or could have serious consequences, easily altering the health of one or more people or endangering the life or health of many people.

A. Jakštas, leader of the Marijampolė gang, who became a “terrorist”, received the harshest sentence of 6.5 years in prison at that time. Other authors (Petras Sidabra, Deividas Jurkūnas, Rytis Bendoraitis, Andrius Skirpstas, Rolandas Juozas Vyšniauskas, Raimundas Gelčys, Marius Kirjanovas, Tautvydas Guzaitis, Mantas Žaliauskas) received a prison sentence of four, three years or less.

But the bandits, who had been turned into “terrorists”, immediately filed appeals, after which the Lithuanian Court of Appeal reclassified the charges against the gang members. Ultimately, they were convicted only of damaging someone else’s property. For this reason, the sentence for A. Jakštas himself was commuted for two years.

The sentences of some of the other gang members were also commuted, but because they were also convicted of other crimes, some of them were forced to spend even more behind bars than the gang leader, A. Jakštas. For example, M. Kirjanov was sentenced to nine and a half years in combined prison.

Messages one after another

According to the file, the crime was committed on January 12 and 13, 2011. The machines caught fire, breaking glass and throwing flammable materials into the cabin.

Initially 0.08 that night. Owned by SD VW Golf and 1991 VW Passat Cars. They were both next to each other. Golf was the most affected. Its interior burned, the engine cover burned.

After about 6 minutes, the firefighters received a message that a fire had broken out in the courtyard of the house on the adjacent street Balsupi calle. Ignited was owned by RL in 1991. Citroen XM. The interior of the car was burned, the body lit up.

Less than two minutes after the last notification, the request for assistance came from Vytauto str. 65 yard from the house. 1986, owned by the EC Audi 80. Its interior cracked.

Two minutes later, two 10-year-old Audi 100 cars crashed in the yard of house number 41 on Vytauto street.

23 minutes after midnight, the flames of J. Ambrazevičiaus-Brazaičio Street. Standing in the yard of the house 25 in 1994. VW Golf car. The interior of the car was burned and the windshield broke. The car belongs to OM by Marijampoles

Soon it burned near Draugyst Street. Standing in the 17th house in 1987. VW Golf owned by AS burned inside the car. All the cars suffered irreparable damage. None of them were insured. According to officials, no owner of a burned-out car belongs to the business world.
