Tricky Lyme Disease: How to Recognize Late Fall Symptoms? | Lifetime


Lyme disease is a threat to everyone, not only because there is no vaccine against it, but also because its symptoms are often delayed and difficult to recognize.

“People often overlook the early symptoms of Lyme disease and don’t over-emphasize sudden fatigue, insomnia, or mild back pain. However, Lyme disease that is not treated early can cost you a lot to a person ”, says A. Bartulienė.

Delayed symptoms

Usually, the first signs of Lyme disease appear 5 to 7 days after a tick bite. Erythema, or red spot, appears at the site of the bite, which is the first sign that you have Lyme disease.

“The mildest form of Lyme disease is 80%. Patients reported for skin lesions. When a spot appears at the site of the bite, it gradually begins to increase. This is how most people experience the first symptoms of Lyme disease. They are easily recognizable and the treatment of these symptoms can be administered without examination, “says the doctor and epidemiologist at ULAC.

However, 20 percent. infected, these symptoms never appear, and some people do not even notice the mite on their body until it is gone. A person infected with Lyme disease can live for a relatively long period of time – 9 months or even a year – without even suspecting the existing disease.

“The incubation period for Lyme disease is very long. Therefore, the first symptoms of the disease may appear very late, after the end of the warm season. Therefore, a person does not associate the deterioration of well-being with the possible symptoms of Lyme disease, which represents a significant risk to their health and significantly prolongs the period of treatment, ”says the epidemiologist.

How to recognize late symptoms?

The biggest problem is that the symptoms of late Lyme disease are quite common in the elderly, so they are often not treated right away.

“The main symptoms of Lyme disease: arthritis, joint pain, fatigue, lack of sleep. These symptoms are often quite common in people between the ages of 45 and 75, and it is this age group that is most likely to develop Lyme disease. With a longer incubation period of the disease and the appearance of symptoms much later, these people often do not hesitate to worry and risk their health even more ”, says A. Bartulienė.

So, if you notice that for some time you suffer from fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, pain in the lower back, waist, shoulders, chest, be sure to consult a specialist, even if you do not think that these symptoms may be related to the disease Lyme.

Risks and solutions

The greatest risk of not treating Lyme disease in time is neuroborellosis. It occurs when Borrelia damages the human nervous system. Violation leads to the development of meningitis or meningoencephaloradiculitis, progressive encephalomyelitis, or chronic peripheral polyneuropathy.

These diseases can cause a lot of problems for a person and their nervous system, and the worst part is that there is no vaccine against Lyme disease. However, when caught early, it is relatively easy to cure with antibiotics.

“Knowing what the disease is is unpredictable and often asymptomatic, you need to take care of your own health and that of your loved ones in advance. We know that if symptoms are noticed too late, treatment can be prolonged several times and may be necessary repeat it. And this is not only an additional cost, but also a possible inability to work. Therefore, ensuring critical illness insurance ensures the financial stability of the patient. Critical illnesses such as bacterial meningitis, encephalitis and kidney disease. Lyme is dangerous for everyone, ”says Saulius Jokubaitis, director of SB Insurance.
