Transformation of the station district: from the industrial territory to the modern city center –


In Western Europe, station districts have seen a renaissance for some time, from awkward areas to one of the most attractive places to live and work, as other parts of the city outgrow the ability to conveniently use public transport services . The Vilnius station district is also preparing to change its face and open up to Vilnius residents.

According to Vilnius City Municipality Chief Architect Mindaugas Pakalnis, seeing the potential of the station district, Vilnius is maturing its qualitative transformation based on good examples from other European countries.

“Now the station district is basically a production area where locomotives are repaired, just 500 meters from the old town. All of this will change soon. The old closed spaces will be opened to Vilnius residents, who also hide the symbols of Vilnius. history of the city. Many public functions, jobs and residences are planned to appear in the area. After the implementation of the Vilnius railway station territory renovation project “Vilnius Connect” initiated by Lietuvos Geležinkeliai, this district finally it will become a complete part of the city, ”said M. Pakalnis.

An international architecture competition is coming

Following the example of the Western European stations, a modern multifunctional mobility, business and leisure zone will be created with a vibrant and open-to-the-population zone, from which there will be convenient connections with other districts of Vilnius and cities in Lithuania and other countries. .

“Currently, an international architectural competition is being prepared to select the best architectural idea for the reconstruction of the Vilnius railway station building and a new passenger service structure on the rails, the urban public transport terminal and the square. from the station, “commented M. Pakalnis.

A detailed plan of the site is currently being prepared, which will respond to the size and volume of the buildings that could be developed and the possible rail connections.

The most ambitious conversion of the capital

According to M. Pakalnis, the conversion of the station district differs from the others by its ambition and the fact that the change was initiated by public institutions.

“This conversion can be compared in size and ambition only if only in the district of Paupis. There is much more potential here: we have public transport, the district borders the old town, many opportunities to create jobs and cultural spaces. The transformation of the district of the station was started by the Vilnius City Municipality and the Lithuanian Railways, and Paupio by the Municipality. However, the main difference is that in the Paupis district the municipality has established rules, and most of the territory of the Station is public property, so this project can pay even more attention to the needs and interests of society ”, explained the chief architect of the city.

That is why, according to him, you cannot talk about the reactivation of the station as a simple real estate project: it is a benefit not only for the district itself, but also for the entire city and the country, after all, it is a door entrance to the Lithuanian capital.

“A bridge will span the so-called Iron River, connecting Naujininkai and the Old Town as well as the New Town. Innovators from an isolated district can become an area that radiates its character and uniqueness, good examples can be seen in Užupis or in Naujamiestis entrances. No less important for the residents of the Station area are the public spaces, such as the remodeling of the square, which would become a favorite place for recreation and other activities. In addition, the district will be built on the foundations of old Vilnius, we will use the existing heritage to create a greater value of the district, the uniqueness of the district will be preserved by giving it a more attractive face, ”said M. Pakalnis.

The historic industrial zone is becoming part of the city

Albertas Kazlauskas, founder and guide of the Vilnius Tours initiative “Street Live”, says that before the arrival of the railway in the 19th century. in the second half, the station area was a suburb, a sparsely populated place. However, along with the railway, the area has become an industrial zone.

A. Kazlauskas equates the emergence of the railroad with the expansion of the Internet: it accelerated the movement of cargo and passengers, and factories began to be established near the railroad to facilitate the transport of manufactured goods or to obtain the necessary materials. At the same time, residential houses for workers began to sprout along the railroad.

Introducing people interested in the city’s history to the Station district, the guide has no doubts about the district’s potential and looks forward to its revival.

“What a beautiful house is located in the streets of Chopin, Geležinkelio, as well as at the beginning of the street Kaunas. Today, however, people, who don’t want to stay long in this part of the city, don’t even bother to admire the architecture. If the district became more friendly to people, both locals and travelers, it would be a great added value for the city, ”said A. Kazlauskas.

By renovating the station area, restoring historic St. The length of Stephen Street – this streetcar was split in half.

“It used to be a very important historical road. Old streets are worth restoring just for their spiritual element – traveling on such a street carries a special feeling for the surrounding historical objects, and St. There are plenty of them on Stephen Street. Starting with the pillar of the chapel in Naujininkai and ending with St. Stephen’s Church. Also, after the restoration of this old route, it will be very convenient to walk to the Old Town from Naujininkai ”, explained the guide.

As the city expands, industrial zones withdraw from the center one after another and industrial spaces open up to citizens. The former Sparta factory on Švitrigailos Street and the Markučiai concrete plant will soon give way to the business center and residential projects, and the station district is on the same renovation path.
