Tragedy in Vilnius district: one of the best acrobatic masters in the country died when a plane crashed


On Saturday, a tragedy occurred in the town of Pakenė in the Vilnius district: a small plane crashed, in which 2 people did not survive.

According to sources, one of the dead was a Lithuanian aerobatic flight master, the head of the Darius and Girėnas aeroclub. Donald bleifert. An Italian citizen flew with him, according to

D. Bleifert was one of the best representatives of Lithuanian aerobatic flight in the last decade. He triumphed more than once in the Lithuanian championship and in 2016. He won a silver acrobatic badge of world class sportsmanship.

The pilot has repeatedly represented Lithuania in major acrobatic events. 2013 He was 21st in the European Championship in 2014. He was ranked 15th in the 2015 World Cup and in 2015. He was tenth in the European Championship.

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