Tragedy in Mexico: A train collided with a car, killing at least 20 people


Local media showed a security camera recording at around 10:30 pm. At local time (Tuesday, 6:30 am Lithuania), a subway overpass in southern Mexico collapsed when a train ran through it.

“Unfortunately, 20 people have died so far,” including minors, the mayor of the capital, Claudia Sheinbaum, told reporters.

A crane was working at the scene to lift a dangerously suspended train car so rescuers could enter and check if there were still people there.

The city’s Department of Civil Defense previously reported that about 70 people were injured. According to C. Sheinbaum, 49 wounded were hospitalized and seven of them were in serious condition; They were seriously injured.

“The support beam did not hold up,” Sheinbaum said, noting that the trestle had collapsed as the train traveled over it.

The rescue effort was briefly stopped around midnight because the suspended part of the train was “very weak” and a crane was called. The mayor said there may still be people trapped on the train, but “we don’t know if they are alive.”

The videos show a collapsed car at Olivos station, about 5 meters high, and an orange and yellow train car hanging from a crashed car. Numerous rescuers were working at the scene.

A car is stuck under the rubble, but a person under the viaduct managed to escape alive, Sheinbaum said.

“Suddenly I saw the building shake,” an anonymous witness told Mexisa television in Mexico.

“When the dust cleared, we ran … to see if we could help. There were no screams. I don’t know if they are [sužeistieji] there was commotion, “added the woman.

Medics were seen evacuating the wounded on stretchers.

The victims were taken to various hospitals in the city, the mayor said.

Complaints of infringement

The accident occurred on line 12 of the metro, whose construction was overshadowed by complaints and reports of infractions.

Mexico City’s twelve-line rail network is one of the largest and busiest in the world, carrying millions of passengers a day. Since the opening of this system in 1969, there have been several other major accidents in Mexico.

“What happened today in the metropolitan area is a terrible tragedy,” Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard wrote on Twitter. The accident was a serious blow to his reputation, as line 12 of the metro was opened when Mr. Ebrard was working as mayor of the capital. In 2013, this line had to be partially closed due to the need to repair the rails.

It is not yet clear whether the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Mexico in 2017 affected the line where the collapse occurred.

Mr. Ebrard offered to cooperate in the investigation of the causes of the disaster.

In October 1975, two metropolitan trains collided in Mexico, killing 23 people and injuring 55.

One passenger was killed and 41 more injured in a collision between two trains at Takubaya station last March.

In 2015, a nonstop train crashed into another station in Oceania; 12 people were injured at that time.
