Traffic and movement of public transport at the intersection of Verkių and Kareivių streets is changing again (traffic schemes) –


The Vilnius City Municipality continues the reconstruction of the engineering networks at the intersection of Verkių and Kareivi calles streets, during which changes in public transport and transport traffic are temporarily planned. The third stage of the reconstruction of the engineering networks will begin at the aforementioned intersection from January 8, which will continue until February 11.

After the implementation of the third stage of the works, the reconstruction of the surface sewage networks in Verkių and Kareivių str. will be completed within the intersection, and the reconstruction of the surface sewage networks will continue to move to Verkių St., where to Verkių and Lakūnų St. At the intersection, a section of the surface water network of approximately 100 m of long and 1.6 m in diameter. These works are scheduled to be completed in 2021. March.

The main traffic changes at the intersection of Verkių and Kareivių streets as of January 8:

  • For cars traveling on Kareivių st. from Kalvarijų st. half, before Verkių and Kareivių st. the intersection will close the center lane. Cars traveling on the left will be directed to the opposite lane at the intersection and may go directly to Žirmūnų str. And cars driving on the right can turn onto Verkių st. and drive towards Lakūnų str .;
  • For cars traveling on Kareivių st. from Žirmūnų st. At the intersection, traffic will be reduced to a single lane, allowing you to drive directly onto Kalvarijų Street. or turn right on Verkių st .;
  • Kareivių ir Verkių st. at the intersection, driving on Verkių st. from the bus fleet, it will only be possible to turn right (towards Kalvarijų street);
  • Kareivių ir Verkių st. at the intersection, driving on Verkių st. from Lakūnų str., it will only be possible to turn right (towards Žirmūnai);
  • Verkių and Kareivių st. the intersections of the intersection are organized on the streets Žirmūnų, Žvalgų, Kalvarijų, P. Lukšio, Lakūnų.