Toyota CEO: Electric cars create a bubble


Toyoda, quoted by Japanese media, emphasized that his country would have been without power this summer if all the cars on the country’s roads had been electric and the infrastructure to operate only electric vehicles would cost Japan between 14 and 37 billion. yen (111-293 billion euros).

“Do politicians, by explaining the need to get rid of all gasoline cars, understand what they are talking about,” Toyoda said at an annual conference of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.

According to him, the too hasty abandonment of gasoline cars “will destroy the current business model of car manufacturers, destroy millions of jobs.”

“For a country like Japan, where most of its electricity is produced by burning coal or gas, switching to electric vehicles will not help the environment. In the current situation, the more electric vehicles we produce, the worse they will be due to carbon emissions ”, he emphasized.

Furthermore, according to A. Toyoda, electric cars may not be inaccessible and unacceptable to all consumers.

Earlier this month, Japanese media announced that the government would soon announce its intentions to ban the supply of new gasoline vehicles starting in 2035, but without restricting hybrid car sales.

However, there has been no official announcement of these plans so far, and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has acknowledged that there is still no solution, writes The Wall Street Journal.

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