Toyota boss says electric cars form bubbles


Aware: 2020-12-18 20:34

Watch Toyoda and you will doubt that politicians understand what gasoline cars are talking about. Photo by Reuters / Scanpix

Toyota Motor Corp., a Japanese company. CEO Akio Toyoda predicts a new bubble with state money will form as electric motors ignore electricity demand and CO2 factors.

the media quotes Toyod as saying that Japan would have been without power in the summer if all the cars on the roads had been electric. According to him, the infrastructure necessary for the operation of electric vehicles would cost Japan between 14 and 37 trillion yen (111-293 billion euros).

Do politicians understand what they are talking about when they say you need to ditch a gasoline car? observed A. Toyoda at the annual conference of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.

Its skinny, too hasty abandonment of gasoline cars will ruin the automaker’s current business model, destroying millions of jobs.

For a country like Japan, where most of the electricity is produced by burning coal or gas, switching to electric vehicles will not help the environment. In the current situation, the more electric vehicles we produce, the greater the carbon footprint of their operation, he emphasized.

Furthermore, according to A. Toyoda, electric cars may not be accessible or acceptable to all consumers.

Earlier this month, Japanese media announced that the government intends to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars from 2035, but not restrict the sale of hybrid cars.

However, The Wall Street Journal reports that there has been no official announcement of the plan so far, and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has acknowledged that no such decision has been made yet.

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