Tourists’ reaction to allowing alcohol to be sold on beaches: the muzzle will still be drunk and no one will stop it


The admitted tourists did not feel the lack of alcohol on the beaches

Three middle-aged women gathered on a bench unanimously claimed that no alcohol was needed on the Lithuanian beaches.

“You can have a drink at home when you get back from the beach,” said one of them, and a friend sitting next to him added, “Both fights and curses, nonsense. At home as much as you want.”

“Entrepreneurs will definitely not go bankrupt. Today we were in a cafeteria, we ate a steak for 10 euros, and I was still so insipid that my stomach ached. For a cup of coffee,” said another tourist.

Younger interlocutors believe that companies must comply.

“Anyone who wants to get drunk still brings and gets drunk, and people who want to drink a beer or something buy everything,” said the guy he met in Palanga.

His girlfriend also sees nothing wrong with allowing people to relax with light alcoholic beverages instead of strong drinks. The two had only stayed in Palanga for a few days, so they did not feel the lack of alcohol on the beaches. If you want to relax, for example, go out to the city.

durnas he will continue to drink, and no one will stop him “data-caption =” Reaction of the reactors when allowing alcohol to be sold on the beaches: durnas he will keep drinking, and nobody will stop him “>
Vacationers reaction to the beaches alcohol trade: <em>durnas</em> still good and no one will stop it “width =” 580 “/></p>
<p>© DELFI / Augustė Smailytė</p>
<p>The woman who came to Palanga for the first time this year believes that consuming light alcohol on the beaches of Palanga will not do much harm.</p>
<p>“Berods, allow up to 12 percent. (15 degrees of force – <em>Delphi</em>), it will definitely be nothing, “answers the question of whether the idea of ​​drunken vacationers is intimidating.</p>
<p>Another tourist agrees that people should have a choice: “I think it is normal, if everything is reasonable, it is not necessary to prohibit everything. Frankly, I did not run out of beer or wine. I think the man has a choice. Yes He wants to, he will go to the cafe culturally and there is nothing of that here. The man has the right to choose, I will not prohibit everything. “</p>
<p><strong>The beach bars of Palanga are empty</strong></p>
<p>The bar in the central part of Palanga, just off the bridge, was generally full in the evenings. Here people gathered to accompany the Sun, and at the same time drank wine and beer. Now that alcohol is not for sale, the bar is completely empty at night: no one can be seen, although the clock strikes 10 p.m.</p>
<p>The bar girl claims that every second customer asks where the alcohol is: “Of course they lack it, people are very unhappy that we don’t sell alcohol, that they can’t drink cold beer on a hot summer day. Instead, buy beer, juice or non-alcoholic kvass ”.</p>
<p>When they heard the news when alcohol was not for sale, the foreigners laughed.</p>
<p>“Latvians in particular don’t understand, because they seem to live nearby, they can and don’t have them,” says the bar employee.</p>
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durnas he will continue to drink, and no one will stop him “data-caption =” Reaction of the reactors when allowing alcohol to be sold on the beaches: durnas he will keep drinking, and nobody will stop him “>
Vacationers' reaction to the beaches alcohol trade: <em>durnas</em> still good and no one will stop it “width =” 580 “/></p>
<p>© DELFI / Augustė Smailytė</p>
<p>The man who works in another bar also emphasizes that after the ban on the alcohol trade on Lithuania’s beaches, tourists began to complain.</p>
<p>Believe me, alcohol insurance is a very bad thing this year, people complain a lot about it. We are the only country that prohibits the sale of alcohol on the beach. An obvious deficiency was felt, “he said.</p>
<p>According to him, due to the prohibitions, the business loses part of its clients, because tourists who have not found alcohol turn around and leave. Therefore, both earnings and local popularity are falling.</p>
<p>“There are so many people like that. Not only is the rotation decreasing, but also the popularity of our place if you can’t exchange alcohol. And who are the main people who go to Palanga? Relax, stay with the family,” says the bartender. .</p>
<p>“We live in Lithuania. People know where to get it; they will always get it and buy it. It seems to me that this ban is pointless,” he asks if he does not believe that the ban will reduce alcoholism in Lithuania.</p>
<p>The young man he met on Palanga Street testified that he knew many vacationers looking for a place to buy alcohol on the beach.</p>
<p>“Whoever wants to, will find a way to avoid the whole system from one side or the other. On the other hand, just looking at the statistics like in Lithuania, it would be good to reduce alcohol consumption. I personally don’t use it much, so these things don’t They bothered me. And whoever moves, let him find ways to avoid it.</p>
<p>For me personally, there is no shortage of wine or beer on the beach, but I know who really lacks it. I work at events myself, some by the sea, and people who come come looking, “Maybe you have or maybe you?” People still ask where it is possible to get alcohol when we all know what the laws are, “he said.</p>
<p>An older man thinks it was necessary to leave alcohol on the beaches: “The people themselves know what they are doing. <em>Durnas</em> he still drinks and no one will stop him. “</p>
<p>The sale of low alcohol alcohol on the beaches will only be possible during the tourist, recreational and tourist season. The ban on the sale and consumption of strong alcohol on beaches continues to apply.</p>
<p><em>Delphi</em> He had previously described the reactions of beach cafe owners to the ban that had come into effect. They said they were ashamed of foreigners, and many Lithuanians did not believe in that ban and laughed, and also carried their own alcohol. Entrepreneurs said that if the decision is not reversed, it will not pay them to open next year.</p>
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