Tourists in abolishing the prohibition on the purchase of alcohol on the beach: glad that they will no longer have to carry in “bags”


15 minutes recalls that the prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages in non-stationary buildings, pavilions more than 40 meters from a stationary restaurant, came into effect on January 1. As a result, almost all the cafes that existed before disappeared on the coast.

However, on June 30, the Seimas approved amendments to the Alcohol Control Law and allowed the sale of weak alcoholic beverages in outdoor cafes, which also do not have a stationary outlet. Furthermore, although the Health Affairs Committee did not agree, Seimas again allowed the sale of soft drinks on the beaches. At the same time, it is up to municipalities to decide for themselves about alcohol licenses and points of sale. Read more about it HERE.

15min photo / coffee from the beach

15min photo / coffee from the beach

15 minutes Tourists in Palanga asked how they evaluated the lifting of the bans and whether they promised to take advantage of the resurgence of alcohol on the beaches.

Most of the people interviewed appreciate the recent decision of the Seimas.

That was a shame

It was then that Tom spent time at a table in a beach cafe with friends from abroad. And although he did not drink alcohol himself, he rejoiced over them.

“I appreciate lifting the bans, the decision is smart, because it was a shame that friends had to walk here with their cans.” Some people just want to sit back, relax, have a glass of wine, so you can’t even with alcohol in records walk? Asked the man.

He expressed the view that the imposed bans were like a slap in the face for entrepreneurs. “After all, companies pay taxes to the treasury, which contributes both to the maintenance of the public toilets themselves and to the improvement of public spaces, so I don’t think that permission has been unnecessarily in the past and has returned. so fast, “said Tom.

And he said that the claims that the sale of alcohol on the beach leads to irresponsible behavior of people, without sense: “Does not someone bring someone who wants to drink? Are not the cafes you hear?

15min photo / coffee from the beach

15min photo / coffee from the beach

Similarly, another coastal tourist, Žermena, said: “I think those who don’t have a mind and prohibitions won’t help, and those who drink with their minds, why not?”

The woman did not hide the last day that she wanted to have a beer on the beach, but could not buy it. Therefore, he was satisfied that he was allowed to do it again and assured him that he would take advantage of it as soon as the opportunity arose.

He views lifting the bans as a step before the election

Eglė and Mindaugas also said they gained nothing from the bans. According to them, if a person wants, they will still find ways to drink, for example, bring their own alcohol.

“You need to sensitize people from childhood, explain that there are other activities, that you don’t have to have fun just drinking. The bans don’t help,” Egle said.

It is true that Eglė and Mindaugas assured that alcohol was not a current issue for them. “I’ve only been drinking on the beach a few times in my life. When it’s hot, you want water,” Eglė smiled.

However, tourists also did not forgive criticism of the government. According to them, such bans should not have been introduced at all, and their repeal sees political ambitions.

“It just came to our attention then. They saw that it was bad, that it was already doing the opposite, because the elections were approaching,” said the vacationers.

Plus, Egle thinks it’s best when people buy alcohol at local cafes instead of taking it to the beach with them. “Because when you bring it in, it’s like you don’t drink here, and when it’s in its place, you only buy when you really want to.”

15min photo / coffee from the beach

15min photo / coffee from the beach

Indrė, who is resting in Palanga, also thinks: “It seems even safer to me to be allowed to buy and consume alcohol in cafes than to do it carelessly somewhere in the dunes, where no one will really care and protect.”

Indre also wondered why the bans were introduced. According to the girl, she wants to relax on the beach while on vacation, not following restrictions.

“And I loved drinking one or two cocktails here. Now that I can, I’ll take advantage of that again. If I could, I would buy it boldly, ”said a Vilnius woman who spoke at the Palanga Beach cafe.

She is convinced that people have become more aware lately and don’t drink too much on the beach.

“They already understand the situation very well. This is also shown in the example of foreign countries: it is normal practice to sell alcohol on the beaches, which shows that people can consciously consume, not multiply and not get drunk at sea”, – the opinion 15 minutes Indre said.

15min photo / coffee from the beach

15min photo / coffee from the beach

The bans are skeptical even of alcohol on the beach.

But here is the news about the lifting of bans just from 15 minutes Rock, who heard the journalist, said it was better not to drink alcohol on the beach.

“The fact that I can’t stand consumption in such a place, because everything has its time. It is really possible to do it,” said the man.

However, even he does not consider the bans to be the correct measure.

“I don’t abuse alcohol, and consuming it on the beach is not a problem for me, but when it is necessary, it is not hampered by prohibitions, because for many people alcohol is still part of the vacation, they will still get it” said tourist Rokas.

Illegal alcohol sellers returned to shore

And although on Tuesday 15 minutes tourists said they did not buy alcohol illegally, Palanga rescue manager Jonas Pirožnikas last week 15 minutes He said that illegal alcohol traffickers returned to the beaches this year. Tourists also bring alcoholic beverages to the coast.

READ MORE: it is forbidden to sell alcohol on the beach, so cold beer has returned to the beaches: the price of a can is 6-8 euros

In addition, Palanga Mayor Šarūnas Vaitkus shared an entry on his Facebook account on Monday, expressing his outrage at the law that prohibits the sale of alcohol in beach cafes.

“This law, which prohibits drinking a glass of wine or beer in beach cafes, has not served small businesses, but rather supermarkets where bagged alcohol travels to beaches,” Vaitkus wrote in your Facebook.

READ MORE: Mayor of Palanga: the law that prohibits drinking wine in beach cafes has only served in supermarkets
