TOP 5 Recent Public Investments: From the Helipad on the Roof of the Santara Clinics to a Deeper Harbor | Deal


The public investment program is being developed for the next three years.

The draft state budget for next year foresees that in 2021 more than 1,400 million euros will be allocated to the projects included in this program. in 2022, just over a billion, and in 2023, over 850 million. euros.

Part of this money comes from the European Union (EU) and other financial support.

Here are the 5 most interesting projects that will receive funding in 2021.

Helipad in Santara

The roof site of the Santara clinic in Vilnius has been waiting for some time, the project started in 2017.

However, construction is expected to advance shortly with the signing of a contract with Veikmės statyba in September. He predicts that the work will be completed in early 2022.

It is planned to allocate around 1.25 million from the PIA for this project. euros.

The helicopter site will be rectangular in shape and surrounded by a safety net. It will be a type raised on the roof of the building, a freestanding site with visual aids to allow day and night flights.

Feliksas Jankevičius, head of the clinics, said that the roof will be able to provide emergency assistance not only during the epidemic, when patients need to be taken to hospital quickly, but also in normal cases, when people who have suffered serious injuries or are seriously sick.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Feliksas Jankevičius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Feliksas Jankevičius

“The site is also designed to speed up the delivery of donor organs needed for transplants, so as not to miss a crucial ‘golden hour’ from the moment the helicopter lands until the moment the donor organ reaches the room. of operations “. 15 minutes F. Jankevičius confirmed in the comment posted.

The installation of the heliport is projected on the roof of building D of the Santara clinics.

New barracks

The program also provides for the expansion of the infrastructure of the General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion based in Rukla. The project, which will last from 2021 to 2025, should cost the state about $ 4 million over the next three years. euros.

However, the Ministry of National Defense reveals that development plans are much broader.

“Now it has been decided that the joint infrastructure of the Artillery Battalion, the Logistics Battalion and the battle group of the NATO Front Forces Battalion will be developed.” 15 minutes said a spokeswoman for the Asta Galdikaitė ministry.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Rukla

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Rukla

According to her, early next year it will be clear how much Germany, the leader of the international allied battalion, will contribute to this project, so the final amount of the project is unknown.

Additional barracks, a canteen, training classes and a sports field are planned for Rukla. All of this will be used by both Lithuanian soldiers and allied soldiers.

Deepest port

The state investment program also includes a commitment to allocate money to deepen the shipping channel of the Klaipėda state sea port to 15 meters.

The project is expected to be completed in 2022, with an estimated $ 17 million. euros.

Port spokeswoman Deauville Ringis says a greater channel depth is needed to improve the safety of shipping for large ships and increase the efficiency of the transport chain.

Klaipeda Port / Port Authority photo

Port Authority / Port of Klaipeda photo

According to her, changing global trends determine that the efficiency of the maritime transport business is ensured through the construction and operation of ever larger vessels.

“It is important that the port improves traffic conditions by reducing infrastructure limitations for large ships.” 15 minutes said D. Ringis.

“The deepening of the port will allow the ships to be loaded more fully, which means that transportation opportunities on large ships will be exploited more efficiently. As the efficiency of shipping increases, freight transportation costs will decrease, ”he added.

The dredging project for the port’s navigation channel was prepared at the end of the summer and public procurement procedures are currently underway.

Reconstruction of the Russian Dramatic Theater

It is also planned to rebuild the Lithuanian Russian Dramatic Theater with funds from the VIP program.

It is planned to allocate more than 6.3 million for the project planned until 2023. euros. About the same amount of funds will come from other sources.

For this money, it is planned to rebuild the old main theater building on J.Basanavičiaus street, modernize the stage, and update other equipment and furniture.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Russian drama theater

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Russian Drama Theater

Until the works are carried out, a temporary auditorium and an administrative room will be installed in the premises of the theater on Mindaugo Street.

“As a result, the theater’s activities will be limited, it will become more difficult, but it certainly will not stop.” 15 minutes said Agnė Mažvilaitė, advisor to the Russian theater director.

“Performances that can be adapted to a smaller stage will be shown in your theater hall, and larger performances will be shown in other Vilnius theaters or event halls, as well as on tours.”

After the reconstruction of the theater building, its exterior will not change substantially, but the atmosphere will be fixed and exterior lighting will be installed.

Disability centers

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor plans to expand the service centers for children. For the anticipated 13.4 million. It is planned to install service centers for children with disabilities and their families.

It is not yet clear if the existing infrastructure will be upgraded or if entirely new centers will be built.

“We hope that in total there will be an opportunity to fund at least two of these centers in three regions of Lithuania.” 15 minutes said the spokeswoman for the Minister of Social Security and Labor Eglė Samoškaitė.

The regions are divided into western (Klaipėda, Telšiai, Tauragė, Marijampolė counties), central (Šiauliai, Kaunas, Alytus counties) and eastern (Vilnius, Utena, Panevėžys counties).

The project aims to ensure that children and families can receive the necessary services in one place, in one center. These would be both health and social services and, where possible, services in a specific area of ​​education.

“The aim is to reduce the burden on families when it is necessary to go from one place of service to another, from one specialist to another,” said E. Samoškaitė.

According to her, it is important that services are provided not only to children, but also to parents, guardians or other children in the same family.

“By focusing on providing services to a child with a disability, other family members and their needs are often forgotten or not given enough attention,” said the minister’s representative.
