TOP 5 most beautiful educational trails in Lithuania


According to health motivator Vladas Musvydaitė, many people are likely to choose a vacation in Lithuania this summer, therefore, the creator of the mobile walking app “walk15” invites you to take a walk around the country, getting acquainted with its more cognitive trails beautiful while preparing for walking competitions in Lithuania.

“Now is a good time to rediscover your land and visit places that you may have lost. We want to encourage society to move more, to choose a healthier lifestyle. It can also become not only a productive weekend hobby, but also a rehearsal before the upcoming “IKI Walking Competition”. After all, it is much more fun to take steps discovering unprecedented corners of Lithuania and enjoying the beauty of nature, “says V. Musvydaitė.

This year’s first IKI walking competition will begin on July 11. 10 a.m. In Vilnius In August, the event will be organized in Šilutė, which according to the number of users of the # walk15 app, has become the city of most people who walk, and in September the competition will take place in Kaunas.

The special # walk15 app not only counts steps taken, but also provides access to 100 free hiking trails across the country. You can also find the full list of the top 10 most beautiful nature trails here, the first five of which are shared by V. Musvydaitė.

1. Mythological hiking route (Šventa, Sirvėtai Regional Park)

Organizers Photo / Mythological Trail

Organizers Photo / Mythological Trail

After visiting the village of Šventa and walking the mythological path, you will have the opportunity to admire up to 17 stone sculptures, in which the famous Lithuanian sculptors embodied ancient Baltic deities and mythical creatures.

The length of the cognitive path is 2 km.

2. Mūša Tyrelis Cognitive Trail (Joniškis District, Žagarė Regional Park)

This trail was included in the Lithuanian logbook as the longest trail that runs through the swamp. By going through it, you will become familiar with the unique natural values ​​of the reserve, as well as our country.

The length of the cognitive path is 7 km.

3. Šaukliai Cognitive Rock Trail (Skuodas District, Salantai Regional Park)

As you hike the Šaukliai Cognitive Rock Nature Trail, you will become acquainted with one of the largest rocks in Lithuania. This trail is notable for its unusual, unique, tundra-like scenery.

The length of the cognitive path is 2 km.

4. Jurkiškis Stream Educational Trail (Molėtai District, Asveja Regional Park)

With its solidity and meandering, the stream resembles a mountain stream with a slope height of 18 meters. There is also a state-protected natural heritage object in the riverbed: the Jurkiškis stone, also known as “Puntukas vaiko”.

The length of the cognitive path is 2 km.

5. Zackagiri Cognitive Path (Varėna District, Dzūkija National Park)

Organizers Photo / Zackagiris Educational Trail

Organizers Photo / Zackagiris Educational Trail

The impressive loops of the Grūda River, the mysterious Aklaežeris, the wind blown Clone Hill (Gaidzai Dune), the beaver huts lined up along the banks of the Dziackagiris stream will interest both the naturalist and the common traveler.

The length of the cognitive path is 14 km.
