Tonight the quarantine will be introduced: in the morning we will find new prohibitions


The quarantine regime will begin on November 7. 00:00 until November 29. 24:00

Mandatory masks

It is forbidden to meet in public places for groups of more than five people, except family members, and to keep a distance of at least two meters from other people or groups of people.

People over 6 years of age should wear protective equipment that completely covers the nose and mouth and fits tightly to the face: masks, respirators, or other protective equipment.

The requirement to wear masks does not apply to athletes, professional athletes during training and competitions, and disabled people who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or their use may harm a person’s health.

Mask removal is also allowed for services that cannot be provided while the recipient is wearing the mask, outside the residential area, and when there are no other people within a 20 meter radius.

Associative photo

With the introduction of quarantine starting next week, students will be required to wear face masks during lessons, Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga said on Friday.

“Preschool and primary education will be carried out in the usual way, in accordance with all the established recommendations, basic, secondary and non-formal education – distance or partial distance education,” the minister said at a press conference.

“The masks will be mandatory for all children over six years of age in educational institutions,” he emphasized.

Prohibited events

During the quarantine, all commercial and non-commercial cultural, sporting and entertainment events organized in open and closed spaces in public places are prohibited in Lithuania.

An exception is made for high-quality sports competitions without spectators, for funerals with a maximum of 10 participants, excluding family members and persons providing ritual services.

Visits to cultural, leisure, entertainment, sports and physical service facilities for visitors are also prohibited, with the exception of libraries, high-performance sports exercises and individual physical activities.

Cafes and restaurants will be closed

Caterers may not serve visitors on site, but can provide takeout or home delivery. This rule applies to restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, and other entertainment venues, as well as casinos and gambling venues.

The catering establishments located in the premises of companies, institutions or organizations that provide food to the employees of said companies, institutions or organizations may continue their work.

The activities of commercial and service establishments are not suspended, but 10 square meters. m of commercial space per visitor or more than one customer is not served at the same time. Requirement to ensure 10 sq. M. M area per visitor also applies to areas close to shops, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets.

Travel restrictions

Urban, interurban and suburban transport is only possible with a seat, at least one meter away.

The crossing of the state border remains limited: foreigners can enter Lithuania only according to the exceptions provided in the Government Resolution.

Lithuanian residents are advised to stop unnecessary travel and leave their place of residence only when going to work, a place of commerce, to receive medical care and other necessary services.

remote work

In state and municipal institutions, establishments, state and municipal enterprises, work must be organized and clients must be serviced remotely or partially remotely, except in cases where the relevant functions must be performed at the workplace.

It is recommended that the private sector work in the same way of organizing work as in the public sector.

Long distance education

Preschool-age children and primary school pupils, as well as pupils in special schools and special classes, can continue to attend educational establishments.

However, for older students, lessons need to be arranged remotely or by combining distance with a daily routine.

Non-formal education for children and adults is provided at a distance or is suspended, but exceptions will apply in certain cases.

Vocational training (or part of it), excluding initial vocational training combined with a social skills program, and higher education studies (or part of them) are delivered at a distance.


Attendance is prohibited

Visits to residents in residences and other inpatient institutions that provide social services are prohibited, except for visits from terminally ill residents or people whose visits to the institution are related to the performance of their duties.

Visits to patients are also prohibited in medical institutions, except for patients with terminal conditions, patients under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the director of the institution or another person authorized by him.

Medical facilities will be needed to manage patient and visitor flows. After assessing the patient’s health status, the family doctor or other health professional will have to choose the method of service delivery that best suits the patient’s interests: contact or remote.
