Tomilinas cut Širinskienė: you only respect that other Tom from the Freedom Party


“We are close to an important point, democracy is growing in our growing party, we are improving our internal rules so that all its members and politicians feel heard and respected.

Unfortunately, we were only halfway there. A party that claims to be one of the two dominant political forces on the left simply cannot be monolithic. Doubt and honest discussion are necessary for the normal development of any organization, especially a large one ”, he did not hide his disappointment.

According to T. Tomilinas, he has been a member of the party for twenty years and is actively involved in the preparation of the LVŽS programming documents.

“I know all the nuances of the documents and when I speak in public, I always separate my personal position if it is in any way different from the letter of the documents. And this is not an offense.

If we already appeal to 2016, let us remember how many misunderstandings there were in the group’s communication due to the lack of a normal debate. By the way, I remind Agne that in 2016 we did not fulfill our promise to create legal mechanisms for the legal regulation of the common economy, even while in power, and I voted for the association in the Seimas in accordance with the provision expressed in the program partying.

Commenting on my proposal to discuss this issue within the party in 2021, the esteemed Agnė rejects the right to speak. Dear Agne, although, as you said yourself, you respect only that other Tom from the Freedom Party, in Lithuania, as in the Peasants and Greens Union, we will all fit in. And, in fact, their public offers to change the game for me are surprising, “he said.

“You, Agne, have been in our group for a relatively short time, only a few years, so you may not have enough experience. If we had started to switch parties due to every disagreement, divergence of opinions, then our union of Lithuanian peasants and greens would have already faltered. And it still exists, and I’m sure the growing debate and culture of democracy is only getting stronger.

Besides the fact that we have a family tradition in Lithuania, debate and tolerance towards minorities is also a tradition of our nation since the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The group colleague is well aware that the LVŽS statutes contain specific provisions “to protect human rights and natural freedoms” (2.1.2.) And that each member must “respect the rights, opinions and dignity of other members of LVŽS, acting against another member of LVŽS, in public and private life they adhere to the norms of good morals. ”The party statutes are the highest level document. Therefore, being a well-known politician, I cannot afford not being interested in the initiatives to which I and my party are invited ”, explained the deputy of Seimas.

This means, he wrote, that the LSV party has no choice but to distance itself from some of the people who organized the March for the Defense of the Family.

“The maximalist who hopes that China and Russia” cleanse “the West of the leftists and create a” new world order “and of the recent radical German-radical Putin, outspoken homophobes, who are developing conspiracy theories about the crisis of Western values and there are many anti-Western statements that are not on our party’s program, even after a great “hardening” effort.

We unequivocally support Lithuania’s membership in the EU and other Western international organizations. So, yes, I think that a broader discussion and a deeper interest in the message of the organizers of the March for the Defense of the Family would have been very necessary for our party before announcing its sponsors of this event.

Certainly, like no one else, I fully understand that conservatives adhere to the pro-Russian label at any opportunity, even for no reason. I am convinced that the people from all over Lithuania who have come together for the Family Defense March cannot be condemned, condemned or ridiculed in any way, ”said T. Tomilinas.

“I am sure most people gathered for the event due to general discontent with the current government’s policy of regional destruction, a cynical approach to the countryside and agriculture, the threat to the survival of public schools, thousands of millions behind closed doors, inappropriate quarantine decisions.., about the speeches about destroying child money, about plans to decriminalize drugs and liberalize the alcohol trade, about the many lies and manipulations in which “black” is called “white” without blinking, of course, as well as about the sentence. talks about subgroups, but because they believe that Russia and China will save Lithuania from some mystical western zombies.

People do many other non-political tasks, raise children, take care of their homes and do not have time to take a deep interest in the philosophies of the organizers, hidden under the aesthetic and influential phrase “For the traditional family”. However, we, as responsible politicians who have a great influence in the direction of these processes, do not have the right to further incite society. Rather than stick to dubious initiatives, we must respond to growing public discontent with issues much broader than the legal nuances of the concept of family, ”explained the politician why such public discontent may have arisen.

Tomilinas cut Širinskienė: you only respect that other Tom from the Freedom Party

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He also recalled that before Agnė Širinskienė’s appearance at LUJS, he decided to confirm the leadership of the Greens on behalf of the party and this further strengthened our image as an open and dynamic party.

“We immediately declare our conservatism on cultural issues and the European Green Community respects our determination; we have never been reproached for it. We treat many things of cultural liberalism with caution, but discussion, respect for other points of view, pluralism are absolute traditional values .

I very much appreciate Agn contribución’s contribution to LVŽS’s work at Seimas, she is really a very effective politician, a diligent lawyer and a very hard worker. And that activity and courage, active communication in the public space, not being afraid of journalists really adorns the personality of a colleague and opens up her professional opportunities and creates added value for the party.

However, the Agnė estimate confuses the electoral provisions with specific measures on how they should be implemented. The simplest example is rural schools. LVŽS is a very clear and unequivocal party that defends the regions, but the discussion on how to implement regional educational policy is ongoing within the party, and no one thinks of judging the mayor delegated by LVŽS for closing a rural school if there are no children. to the left ”, assured the member of the Seimas.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I understand family policy much more widely than the eternal controversy over the concept of partnership. There are many more important issues for the family: income, access to education, housing, services, children’s money, etc. And it is these issues that are the most relevant for the Lithuanian family to which I have dedicated most of my work both in party activities and in a very tangible legislative work in the Seimas.

And yes, my opinion on the subject of the association is personal, I do not represent anything, neither the governing bodies of LVŽS, nor the president of LVŽS, only myself. But my opinion is my freedom, of which we talk a lot and pathetically on the occasion of the holidays, but we do not always understand its meaning in everyday life, “said T. Tomilinas.

They also pointed out that by arguing in the faction, they agreed that they would defend and spread Christian values, Lithuania and national culture, strengthen the institution of the traditional family, while respecting the constitutional values ​​and secularism of modern Lithuania.

“Personally, I do not see how my moderate public speeches on the protection of human rights or the invitation to debate within the party would go against this principle in any way.”

Without fear of having a different opinion

We remind you that Delfi wrote earlier that different opinions are heard in the Green Union of Lithuanian Peasants, which has decided to defend a family based on marriage of different genders. The younger members of the party would like to have more discussions on all the issues of the so-called culture wars, said Tom Tomilin, a member of this party.

According to the parliamentarian, the discussion in the party and the group on the legalization of the association is just beginning.

“You can feel the mood of most party members. But democracy is beautiful because everyone is equal and can contribute to the debate process. And in the party, I see a tendency for young people to want more discussion about all the issues of the so-called culture wars.

Perhaps most simply delegate that issue more to Agne Širinskienė. I certainly respect her a lot, but I don’t always agree with the doctrine she is developing. I think it’s my right.
In general, I am reluctant to believe in the conspiracy theories that mobilize many people in Lithuania, but when we get to the details of each of those issues, it turns out that the devil is not as scary as trying to draw it. “Said Tomilinas .

He himself pointed out that Lithuania already has a Civil Code (CC), which states that the association must be enshrined in a separate law.

“There is a separate part of the CC“ living together and outside of marriage ”, very clearly separated from marriage, I don’t know how many terms have already passed when this provision is in force, I really don’t understand why it dramatizes this situation so much. We just have to discuss what can be written in that company law, “said Tomilinas.

He said he did not understand why people are offended because the bill that is being drafted states that partnership is a relationship of respect, love and loyalty between two people.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That is the reality. If we cannot write like this for fear that it will be like a marriage, then I do not understand, are we not talking about people? We are talking about people who have the right to mutual respect, loyalty, monogamous relationships. What is characteristic of people, “said Tomilinas.

In his opinion, in general, the Constitution protects man above all else.
“Family, traditions, everything is after that. Man is above all, and this is the basis of our western constitutional doctrine. (…) I like the idea of ​​the priest Sasnauskas that aggressive rhetoric for the family often it masks the lack of something to say on complex political issues. It is much easier to fight gays than to create a network of social services and psychologists in municipalities, where most families suffer domestic violence, “said Tomilinas.

He said he was not afraid of having a different opinion on the party than most of its members.

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