tolerance for bullying continues for many years


The Minister took such action after receiving the conclusion of the Change Initiation Group on the situation in the medical institution.

“Based on the conclusion of the change initiation group, the Minister instructed the Šiauliai Republican Hospital to plan and review internal procedures, processes, increase staff competencies on individual issues, digitize activities, changes in the personnel management, initiatives in the field of strategic planning, “the Ministry of Health said.

The implementation of these actions is planned in stages until the end of next year.

On Friday, A. Dulkys visited Šiauliai Hospital and met with its leaders to discuss the conclusions of the Initiation to Change Group and other actions.

‘TO. Dust believes that leadership has a special role to play in this situation. “It is the hospital administration and managers who have the greatest responsibility not only for their own activities, but also for those of other people, and there are many reasonable expectations and demands to change habits in the areas of communication, relationships and resolution of problems. problems, “the report said.

Police are currently clarifying the circumstances of the suicide of a young doctor who worked at Šiauliai Hospital, but did not reveal any further details. According to media reports, the disaster could have been caused by workplace harassment.

The situation in the hospital was also clarified by the Change Initiation Group formed by A. Dulkis, who presented their findings to the Minister last week.

Furthermore, in mid-July, the minister fired the then hospital director, Remigijus Mažeikas. Currently, Česlova Špūrienė is the director. Until R. Mažeika was removed from her post, she was appointed temporary hospital administrator.

Problems are not only at Šiauliai Hospital

According to the Ministry, the report of the Change Initiation Group emphasizes that the situation undoubtedly affects the results of the Šiauliai Hospital, therefore, all the available and unused resources of this medical institution should be used for its efficiency.

“The consistent implementation of the solutions proposed by the change initiation group will improve the well-being of the staff of this hospital through organizational, managerial and administrative measures, to ensure a more positive psychological climate,” said the report.

According to Simona Bieliūnė, head of the change initiation group, the solutions presented focus on the main risk factors that negatively affect the psychosocial environment of Šiauliai Hospital.

“The activities of the Initiation to Change Group aimed to involve as many members of the community as possible, both in the analysis of problems and in the discussion of proposed solutions. Following the discussions of the draft conclusion with the community and their approval of the directions in which the changes should be made, the most important thing is the motivation of the employees and the desire to change, ”says the ministry.

In evaluating the findings of the Initiation to Change Group, A. Dulkys mentions that similar problems arise not only in a specific medical institution, but also throughout the health care system.

“Obviously, the tolerance for manifestations of harassment and psychological violence, lack of leadership skills, poor psychological climate, low literacy in mental health in the health system continues for many years. So far, no one seems to have posed such challenges to either academia or hospital managers. That will no longer be the case, “the minister is quoted as saying in the report.

He states that he intends to talk with the directors of higher education institutions about changes in the study programs, and with the directors of health institutions, about the development of their competencies.

“We will agree on and implement new indicators related to the psychological well-being of employees in the performance evaluation system,” he said.

Minister A. Dulkys, together with the Head of the Initiation to Change Group S. Bieliūne, will meet with the heads of other subordinate health care institutions in the near future to discuss the issues to be addressed and the activities planned to ensure psychological well-being. be of employees.
