To coffee: how to work? Visitors sometimes fall asleep and bring dumplings Vida


“We don’t allow you to work on computers here,” was the phrase many people heard when they visited a small cafe in Kaunas, Laisvės Alley.

The owners of this cafe, having decided that this place is not for work, follow this principle. However, there are not as many cafes of this type, while managers of other cafes try to change theirs in various ways. visitors with computers Habits

Sometimes you disconnect from the internet

Daina Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė, marketing project manager for the Green Cafe chain, says that such behavior by visitors, when coffee is chosen as the workplace, causes problems at least into quarantine.

“It just came to our attention then. Especially a lot. freelancers is coming. First of all, we try to say beautiful. If a person is sitting and working on a computer for a long time, they are offered another cup of coffee.

And if they have filled all the tables and other customers are coming, then we approach them and ask them to leave a seat. This is normal: coffee has to live on something, “said D. Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė.

According to the interviewee, the staff is outraged by some clients.

If you have filled all the tables and other customers are coming, then we are available to ask you to leave a seat.

“Because many people think that maybe communism is here, they don’t understand that coffee has its owners. It is good to explain it: here is an income-generating coffee and you have a seat.

Sometimes we go offline, but it doesn’t work, “said a Green Cafe spokeswoman. Photo / Reading Photo / Reading

Bring your own food too

As D.Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė said, when there are no people in the cafe, customers are generally not informed that they are working.

However, there have been times when other visitors who simply came for coffee simply had nowhere to sit.

Students, especially foreigners, sleep on the sofas in the cafe.

“When other people come, they see that everything is sitting and leave,” said a cafe spokeswoman.

There are customers who even watch the sound in the cafeteria, watch movies, bring their own food, and students, especially foreigners, sleep on the cafeteria sofas.

“We work as caregivers in the cafe. I think there is a global trend here in the first place: computers have become handbags. This has been the case from the start, only maybe it wasn’t that massive before.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Green Cafe in the Laisvės alley

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Green Cafe in the Laisvės alley

For example, many students come, stand on the couches, and remove their food. There is no respect, there is no culture, there is no understanding, “said the interlocutor.

According to D.Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė, if a person takes candy out of his purse or the mother who comes with the child brings him food, the cafe staff never reproaches him and, if necessary, heats the food for the child.

“But I’m talking about throwing chops, sausages, cucumbers,” said the interlocutor about the culture of some of the visitors.

Racists concluded

D.Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė told the story when the client accused the cafe staff of racism.

The best tables in one of the cafes in Kaunas are right next to the window, they are four seats. Therefore, in the presence of more people, the café staff asks those who work with computers to choose another area of ​​the café and to leave the tables by the window free.

“Because our cafes focus on coffee culture, communication, you won’t even find negative literature with us. Once a black man sat at such a table, and we asked him to sit next to each other, as he We asked other visitors, but he described us as racist.

Oath is also heard. Once we even had to threaten to call the police, ”said D. Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė.

Decent time: up to one hour

When asked how much decent sitting in a cafe with a cup of coffee is, D.Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė said that the normal time would be half an hour per hour. So much time is really enough to have a cup of coffee or eat a piece of cake.

As the interviewee said, visitors who come to work look at a table in a cafe as if they were a free job.

“We have water, we have clean toilets, there is internet. What more do you want? A fairy tale, there is no need to pay the rent. Could it be better? And we are very poor about it. The rent is high, such clients occupy good places, ”said D. Bytautaitė-Motiejūnienė.

Write an angry review

Laima Vėželienė, director of the Vero coffee chain, also agrees that such a problem exists when people come to the cafe as if they were in the office.

It is true that the interlocutor says that he cannot say that there is a majority of those visitors. However, conflicts cannot be avoided.

“There are people who write angry comments about a cafeteria employee. Supposedly he came, sat for 15 minutes and after 15 minutes asked him to leave because he had not ordered anything. Such a person is very dissatisfied, because he came to sit in front of the computer, “said the head of the network of coffee shops.

There have been cases when cafe staff have had to call the security company, and more than once visitors have received bad language about requests to clear tables.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vero Cafe

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vero Cafe

Seven clients: a cup of coffee

Considering why people behave this way, L.Vėželienė mentioned the lack of understanding.

When asked how much time is decent to spend in a coffee shop, a spokeswoman for the coffee shop chain simply replied: how much coffee do you need to drink.

According to the interlocutor, the approach of the cafe is not against working with computers, but that person or a group of them should ask for something.

L.Vėželienė said that a person who came to work asks for coffee and, after a while, another sandwich and juice. There are regulars who come to work, there are also business meetings, but they also order coffee or snacks at the bar.

“It just came to our attention then. But when seven people come, buy a cup of coffee and have a few tables?

They realize that with a cup you can take three tables and sit for an hour. So I say: sit all in a chair, “said L. Vėželienė.
