Timmermans: Minsk violated even diplomatic norms acceptable to dictators


“The Belarusian regime is becoming more and more insidious almost every day, even the most basic diplomatic rules adopted by dictators around the world are now disrespectful to Belarus, it is spiraling out of control,” said the vice president of the CE to journalists in Vilnius on Friday.

“The only possible answer is firmness: we must stand firm on Belarus, we must be absolutely clear about sanctions, we must show them that this behavior is completely unacceptable to Europe,” he added.

Mr. Timmermans emphasized that the European Commission means “full solidarity with Lithuania and the Government of Lithuania”. According to him, Migration Commissioner Ylvos Johansson is in contact with the Government about the incident.

“And we will support Lithuania until the end,” emphasized the European commissioner.

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that Belarusian officials stopped a car carrying Lithuanian diplomatic mail, demanded the removal of diplomatic stamps and the opening of the car.

When the Lithuanian diplomatic couriers did not agree to this requirement, the car was forced to turn around and return to the territory of Lithuania.

Belarus received a note of protest over the incident.
