Tighter quarantine: new restrictions for residents and merchants


Until now, people in public places have been able to gather in groups of no more than 5 people. A stricter restriction was introduced on Wednesday: no more than two people can join, except family members. This and other adopted restrictions take effect from Thursday.

“As the situation is still difficult, although we already have stable numbers that are no longer growing, but are still really very high, this also places a really very heavy burden on the health sector.” For this reason, taking into account the current situation, we intend to adjust and complement the Government’s resolution ”, intervened the Acting Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, at the Government meeting on Wednesday.

No more than two people can participate in non-formal education activities, subject to other necessary conditions. These conditions also apply to the provision of accommodation and the organization of religious services.

Restrictions on merchants

The government also agreed to prohibit all stores, supermarkets, and service outlets from trading at temporary outlets, except in the case of food, pyrotechnics, and commercial islands.

Furthermore, the government does not prohibit but does recommend that traders refrain from advertising stocks.

In all stores, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets and service locations, it is recommended not to use short-term sales promotions (sales, discount hours, tastings, etc.) that increase the flow of customers and visitors in very little time and place. The recommendation does not apply to online trading.

According to A. Veryga, this measure, if applied correctly, would allow an adequate management of customer flows.

For his part, the head of the Competition Council, Šarūnas Keserauskas, criticized this last measure, stating that it was very vague and could have a negative impact on the prices of raw materials.

“The simplest effect will be to increase the prices of non-discounted products. Another thing is that the recommendation itself is quite vague and can lead to coordination between competitors, suppliers, to clarify the specific concepts used in the recommendation.

For example, which goods cannot be discounted, in which places, for how long. As a result, there is a risk that competition will be restricted also for those goods for which the recommendation did not even foresee that the price increase could last much longer than a very short period ”, Š. Keserauskas.

The quarantine in Lithuania is valid until December 17. 24:00
