Three dates when the police will tightly control drivers: 250 points will work


Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė and Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla spoke about how the control of the itinerant population will be carried out during a press conference on Tuesday.

Agnė Bilotaitė first of all wished everyone health and concentration and called for awareness and responsibility:

“We already had restrictions in the spring, but then the situation was dramatically different. A plan for a safe vacation was drawn up yesterday. The police will set up about 250 checkpoints near municipalities. Approximately 920 crews will take to the streets.

The strictest controls will be in effect from December 18. 1 pm until December 20. 9 pm, from December 23. 1 pm to 27 d. 9 pm and from December 31st. 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm On other days, the control will not be as active. The additional participation of officers from the MIA, the Military Police and the Riflemen’s Union will also be used.

Part of the entrances will be blocked by technical means. It is planned to record violations with video surveillance cameras and prohibition posters will be posted. Greater forces will also be relied upon for sorcery, wearing masks. About a thousand. police officers will guarantee this order. The police will not have the purpose of punishing, but will have the purpose of explaining.

A. Bilotaitė added that if such measures do not work and the situation does not improve, a plan of stricter measures is planned, which will be implemented if necessary. However, the minister did not want to detail this plan.

Check every day

R. Požėla said that there is a police number 8-700-60000, which you can call, share your situation and find out: a person can go somewhere or not:

“The highlight will be this weekend, the Christmas and New Years periods. Poles and other means will be used at the entrances to the municipalities. The aim of the police is not to catch criminals and the aim of the people should not be to deceive anyone. In that case, in the first place, he would be fooling himself and his loved ones. “

According to the police chief, residents are advised to have documents confirming the reasons for moving from one municipality to another: “It is possible to photograph a document with smart devices and present it to an officer. This would simplify the inspection itself. “

Speaking of the emigrants, R. Požėla said that efforts would be made to listen to their arguments. However, if a person has real estate in one municipality and intends to go with his parents in another, the police have the right to stop such travel.

When no checkpoints are installed, 60 additional police teams will work. Also other forces already mentioned by Minister Bilotaitė. Therefore, inspections will be carried out not only on these “hot” days, but also on other days.

R. Požėla stated that although a large number of police forces will be needed for inspections, public order and security in the country will be guaranteed.

Strict controls

The news portal recalls that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė has said that the largest police forces in the municipalities will monitor passenger flows on weekends and holidays.

The exceptions include cases of displacement to the municipality of residence, displacement to a municipality other than that of residence due to the death of close relatives or work when the place of employment is in another municipality.

“The police can apply strict control measures from the beginning of Wednesday. But undoubtedly more emphasis will be placed on holidays and holidays. Because then there is much less movement or unnecessary movement when people move with personal contacts or other intentions. .

On weekdays, at least at the beginning, a considerable part of this initiative or activity can be for fully objectively explained cases, for example, for people who move from one municipality to another for work reasons, ”I. Šimonytė previously said.

So from December 16. It is allowed to leave the place of residence only to go to work or work, when shopping, to the property itself, funerals, health institutions, to care for people who are sick or unable to care for themselves.

The portal described in detail what restrictions apply during the quarantine. The list of prohibitions can be found here.
