Three cases of coronavirus were confirmed on Monday at the Pušyno kelias Rehabilitation Center


“At the beginning, when the first cases of the disease were identified, all the patients were evaluated. Yesterday they were done repeatedly, of those done repeatedly that were negative before, now we have three positives, “said RVUL spokeswoman Asta Bagdonavičienė on Monday.

“The National Center for Public Health announced two today, but another response was confirmed before noon,” he added.

According to A. Bagdonavičienė, three infected patients were transported to the Santara clinics, and an epidemiological evaluation was carried out at the rehabilitation center to determine the people with whom the infected patients may have had contact and their level.

“The staff of the rehabilitation center has been working with complete security measures since the first case was confirmed, so even with three new cases currently, all the staff who have been in contact with these patients, 16 in total , you can continue working as there is no risk of infection and unnecessary self-isolation, “said a hospital spokeswoman.

According to her, a total of 11 cases of infection were confirmed in Pušynas kelė: nine patients and two employees.

Currently, 23 patients are being treated at the rehabilitation center.

In Lithuania, according to Monday’s data, to date 1,485 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed, 833 people are considered to have recovered and 598 people are still sick.

A total of 50 people died from coronaviruses, and four more from coronavirus infections died from other causes.
