Those who have been vaccinated should also wear masks: the possibility of infecting others is not ruled out


In late December, the vaccines manufactured by BioNTech and Pfizer in Lithuania were launched. The vaccine, made by the American company Moderna, was also approved by the European Medicines Agency on Wednesday, according to BNS.

These vaccines greatly prevent coronavirus infection. The BioNTech and Pfizer vaccines are 90% effective after two vaccinations. cases. Moderna has announced that its vaccine is 94.5 percent. protects against coronavirus infection.

However, it is not yet known whether a person vaccinated with them cannot continue to carry the virus. As The New York Times has explained on its website, this is because Pfizer and Moderna only looked at the number of people vaccinated with COVID-19 in their studies. This does not rule out the possibility that these people could transmit the virus silently if they do not comply with the security requirements.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The vaccinated person’s immune system prevents the (virus) from binding to angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE2) inhibitors, so those ‘needles’ don’t stick to the receptors and nothing happens. That virus does not last long, it leaves because it sees that there are no conditions for it to live there. However, in theory, a person who has been vaccinated for some time can be contagious “, said Arvydas Ambrozaitis, infectologist and Professor at Vilnius University.

The New York Times explains all the way this way: The new coronavirus, like many respiratory infections, enters the body through the nose. The virus multiplies there rapidly, stimulating the immune system to produce specific antibodies that are specific to the mucous membrane, that is, the moist tissue that lines the nose, mouth, lungs, and stomach.

If a person is exposed to the virus a second time, these antibodies, like immune cells that remember the virus, quickly kill it even in the nose before it has a chance to establish themselves in another part of the body.

And coronavirus vaccines are injected deep into a muscle to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. That is enough to prevent a vaccinated person from getting sick.

Some of these antibodies circulate in the blood in the nasal mucosa and safety there, but it is not clear how many antibodies (and how quickly) can be mobilized in general to fight the virus. If the answer is not much, then viruses in the nose can “bloom”, and then they can be exhaled or exhaled and infect others.

Although, as long as there is no evidence to confirm or deny this, such a possibility is considered theoretical, doctors recommend that even vaccinated people follow safety measures: keep your distance, wash your hands, wear masks, avoid meetings.

“Theoretically, the concentration of the virus in a vaccinated person should be lower, because the virus does not find a means to reproduce, but we still recommend that safety measures be followed.” More so because we don’t know how long that immunity will last, maybe three or maybe six months, “said A. Ambrozaitis.

A licensed specialist in this field also drew attention to another aspect of this issue: ethics.

“Society can condemn people who do not wear masks or do not comply with safety requirements. Not everyone is told, ‘you know, I have been vaccinated.’ This is the principle of solidarity: let us be in solidarity until we this pandemic ends. We can be happy to have received the vaccines, and we are not at least at risk of a clinical manifestation of this disease, not to mention complications or death, “said A. Ambrozaitis.

You may need to get used to the masks

Arvydas Ambrozaitis

Arvydas Ambrozaitis

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The professor predicted that we will be able to give up the masks when the cold season is over.

“In Lithuania this usually happens in June, when it is more sunny, hot, people spend more time outdoors. Then it would be possible to give up masks, as we did last year, “said A. Ambozaitis.

According to the interviewee, they would probably not be necessary even if seventy percent of the population were vaccinated. However, the professor did not rule out the possibility that they simply have to return to them every year during cold and flu season.

“This is already common in some Asian countries: Japan, South Korea. It seems to me that the use of masks should be seasonal when there is a large spread of viruses. The coronavirus is not going to disappear either, I think it will be the season of the year in the that they should be reused, ”said A. Ambrozaitis.

The reliability of the vaccines is guaranteed by the authorities

For those concerned about the safety of vaccines, the professor recalled that it is the responsibility of the authorities, who guarantee it with their signature.

“In Europe, it’s the European Medicines Agency. (…) They are more pedantic than the UK Regulatory Council or the US Food and Drug Administration. If that vaccine was not safe, it would not be registered. No one. wants to sign that a vaccine can be used if it is not safe because then the responsibility lies.

They are independent people, they do not take bribes, they are not affiliated with pharmaceutical companies, there are no calls from politicians. They are competent and not corrupt people. I don’t understand what doubts can be, ”said A. Ambrozaitis.

The professor also has a reassuring message for those who are concerned about the effects of vaccines on people in poor health.

“These vaccines are for them, because those people die from the coronavirus infection. The vaccine does not worsen human health, it creates immunity. Immunity is especially necessary for people in poor health, those over eighty years old and who suffer Oncological diseases or other comorbidities. That is the objective of the vaccine: to reduce the number of complications and deaths, “taught A. Ambrozaitis.

The professor explained that, for example, children or pregnant women are not vaccinated with new vaccines, not because the vaccine was harmful to them, but they did not participate in the studies.

“Children did not participate in clinical trials, so we do not have data on childhood vaccines. There is no ban on vaccinating pregnant women, but pregnant women were also not invited to volunteer in the clinical trial for reasons However, this does not mean that it is harmful to the fetus and the pregnant woman, “said A. Ambrozaitis.

Additional doses of vaccines will be purchased

Those who have been vaccinated should also wear masks: the possibility of infecting others has not been ruled out

As already announced, the Government approved on Wednesday the modification of the advance purchase agreement with the pharmaceutical company BioNTech and Pfizer to acquire 550 thousand LTL for Lithuania. additional doses of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

So far, just over 1.8 million have been agreed with this manufacturer. vaccine dose for Lithuania. The European Commission is currently negotiating additional doses of the vaccine with manufacturers on behalf of all European Union (EU) countries.

Lithuania has expressed its desire to acquire 550 thousand. additional doses of vaccine, but the exact number will only be clarified at the end of the negotiations.
The COVID-19 vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer is currently the only one registered and used in the EU. More than 40 thousand tons have already been delivered to Lithuania. doses of this vaccine at which the country’s doctors are vaccinated for the first time.

Lithuania has signed agreements with six vaccine manufacturers and intends to buy more than 7 million of them. vaccine dose. They should be sufficient to vaccinate at least 70%. population of the country. According to experts, such a proportion of the vaccinated population would guarantee herd immunity against the coronavirus.

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